
The Genesis/Mega Drive Collection is out for the PS3 and (I think) Xbox, and it's really cheap these days. It also contains just about every MD game you'll want to play.

You are the milkman?

Sigh. The blog view would be fine, guys, if it wasn't for the fact that it changes to the cumbersome original layout whenever I click on an article. And if it wasn't for the fact that the new site is actually HARDER to read than the old one.

Thank goodness the editor stepped in to defend the Mortal Kombat movie. Sure, it's by no means a GOOD movie, but it's a FUN movie. And no, not like Duke Nukem Forever. You can watch the Mortal Kombat movie for a dollar.

I know what you mean. In one of those missions, I had a pretty hilarious thing happen... A low-HP NPC, being the last one on the map, had decided to do pretty much that. I got rid of the drone, and there was one just outside of the village I was defending. The game decided that I'd completed the "defend the NPCs"

Thoroughly enjoying Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars on the 3DS. A lot of this enjoyment comes from finally realizing that the game's made to be played on Elite.

@Kogo: Playing MMOs makes it hard to play other games.

@Koda89: You guys don't have Donkey Kong yet, then? For shame. It's seriously awesome.

Now playing

The European 3DS store has Double Dragon and, uh, Radar Mission? Youtube video time.

If the system was cheaper, nobody would complain about the 3D being useless to some. The premium you pay is for that 3D experience. If it'd cost something like 200 dollars instead of 250? Far, FAR less complaints, I imagine, since people who couldn't use it wouldn't feel ripped off.

Focus on Neku, occasionally glance up at the top screen while noting where the enemies are and how they're behaving. At the most basic, you'll do okay if you play well with Neku while mashing left or right depending where the enemies are on the top screen. Once you're used to that, glance more often at the top screen,

Dear lord, complainers. Yes, you enjoyed the game. Good for you! That doesn't mean Luke or any of the other reviewers had to. Reviews - are - opinions!

@retsukun: There are just SO many levels out there that if you wanna sample the best of LBP(2?), you pretty much need to find a good forum or something dedicated to it.

Spent a lot of time this weekend poking around Gran Pulse in Final Fantasy 13. This is pretty addictive, now.

Don't worry, mr. Hoskins. Even if you had a horrible experience filming it, at least you got an unintentionally hilarious movie out of it, right?

Ooh. This industry just got darker and edgier.

@Erwin: ... board?

@treefiftyz: Yeah, that's how they do it with most games that have trials on PSN these days. You have to download the trial, because that IS the full game. The full game unlock is just that, an unlock.

Hey, all you 3DS owner types. You know that Game Boy version of Donkey Kong that you dismissed for being just a crap, limited version of Donkey Kong, like the Tennis and Alleyway games on the 3DS Virtual Console store? It's actually really, really great.