Hmmm. I can see that guy's using the D-pad, so I guess that's something you can get used to. Putting the LP/LK on the touchscreen, too... Hmmmmm. Interesting.
Hmmm. I can see that guy's using the D-pad, so I guess that's something you can get used to. Putting the LP/LK on the touchscreen, too... Hmmmmm. Interesting.
Finally got my 3DS games! Street Fighter 4, and Pilotwings.
Ahhh, the Master System. Having the Start button on the console itself? Mushy square directional pad? Silly design decisions abound.
@xwsxlogan: A 40-42-inch screen is pretty awesome for videogames. It's a size that's comfortable while still being big enough to draw you in.
@OutlawDominus: Not too horribly hard to figure out.
@Tyrunn: I've no idea about the beta, but I do know the PVP element is where you realize just how much of an MMO it is, despite the sense of action in PVE bits. I dunno. I quickly got bored with PVP, as said.
@Kiaza: Let's say you're jumping in with an attack. Now, jumping attacks are good for comboing a lot of stuff out of, among them some special moves. So while your guy's arm is stretched out and about to hit your opponent, you input, say, quarter-circle-forward, timing it so that you've already done that just as you…
@Kiaza: When it comes to SSF4, matchup knowledge is king. The boards at have helped me a lot. See what combos your character can get out of two or three jabs, and learn which moves are safe/punishable and which are not.
On Sunday, my DC Universe Online subscription expired. On Saturday, I briefly poked by to tell my guild that I wouldn't be renewing it for another few months, waiting for more new content. Then I played a quick duo, went through it on autopilot, and it just reinforced my decision.
@Sir Beefychu: I played that song on Rock Band World Tour for the PSP, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Gotta get me one of their albums at some point.
No, no. This is how you do it:
I guess just writing which game you're playing will have to do for now... Hopefully developers have realized by now that Nintendo are horrible at this "online communication" thing, and are putting in their own in-game messaging system thingies.
@excel_excel: Candlejack approves of th
@FriarLawrenceIII: Apparently the wifi problem is one thing that's solved with the first firmware update, which is already out. Dig into the settings and stuff and find the 'system update' option.
@core2sudo: Serves you right for getting Nintendogs Toy Poodle.
I take great offense to this statement. My mother knows someone with just one eye. Are you saying they're worth less than other humans? Huh? Huh?
@aw3str1k3r: And it's not even backwards-compatible.
I already have my 3DS, but thanks to the store not getting any 3DS games, I had to order mine online. As planned, Super Street Fighter 4 and Pilotwings.
@aw3str1k3r: But can you drive IN 3D?
@stone500: Mind you, it does still *feel* better than playing the game with a D-pad. More natural.