
@excel_excel: Hmmmm... A quick googling supports your claim. That IS pretty neat. Maybe I'll make that my first Pokemon game at some point.

@excel_excel: Oh yeah, that's right... I forgot. Still, it doesn't matter much when most of the DS games don't anyway :)

Bust-A-Move... Without ANY kind of multiplayer?

@DunnCarnage: Just be sure to put a screen protector on first. Dear lord, please put a screen protector on first.

@stone500: You get to use it, but it is still in effect an eight-directional D-pad. There's no jiggery-pokery going on to, say, make Mario 64 DS think that it's an analogue input: You still have to hold Y to run.

@Taggart6: If they're smart, they'll let you buy 3DS and/or DS games via their set-up-whenever-they-feel-like it online 3DS store. Put'em all on that SD card.

@MastaGlazy: The DS/DSi doesn't support WPA networks, whereas the 3DS (dear lord finally) supports them. Since they basically stuck the DSi programming into the 3DS for DS games, that means that you need a regular-DS-compatible network to go online with DS games.

How much the games are affected really differs from game to game, from what I've seen after a night of checking out a selection of my DS collection on the 3DS. With the faster-paced games for the system, like Mario Kart and Space Invaders Extreme 2, the larger screen estate, solid colors and softer visuals make the

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I haven't seen this one linked anywhere, so here. This pretty much sounds like it'd go along with the end credits for some Mario game or movie or something.

Oh, to all those of you just picking up a 3DS: Once you get it home, go into the settings and hit the "system update" button. As has been mentioned about the Japanese DS, the update nets you a neat little 3D demonstration video. Not the Japanese music video, more just a bunch of clips of skateboarders and bears and

Face Raiders on the 3DS is hilarious for a test program. I just popped balls in the mouth of the Norwegian prime minister in front of my living room's TV screen, which had cracked open to reveal outer space behind it.

So I'm probably the first person in my current hometown (Vardø, Norway) to get myself a 3DS. This being a tiny town, I figured I'd support the local businesses by buying my 3DS and launch games from them.

@madammina: Dracula X is pretty okay, but the main attraction in that UMD is playing Symphony of the Night portably. That's way-good value.

@Mikeh12: From what I hear Saboteur is pretty dumb, but not TOO horribly bad. And you can blow up cows.

@rich8606: Well, Bayonetta was much better on the 360, at least. So, uh... Her!

@MDog: Yes, the layout is sometimes a little too ambitious for its own good. But, damn, man. You seriously cannot call WE3 a badly drawn book.

Bad dog.

@acamas: No, from what I understand you can't even take a backup of the Demon's Souls save. Other saves get caught in the 'backup the hard drive' option, but not the DS one.

@acamas: I like the Demon's Souls system but for one thing: It's keeping me from putting a new hard drive into my PS3, since saves aren't transferable.