
@Dutch JaFO: That last bit about the save-ruining crash is a good point, actually. In fact, when I think about it, in games that give you the option to save alongside autosaves, I do that all the time. So autosaves don't stop me from thinking about saves anyway.

@MichaelPalin: Yeah, but how do you define these units? Welp, found a place to recharge my energy. Save point! Yay, sniped that one guy and ducked back into my safe place. Shame to lose that progress. Save point! Okay, gotta get from THIS end of the battlefield to THAT end. Runrunrun bangbangbang! Ah, energy

@Lorcanman: Then again, the way that game works, playing the game without saving the 'cheatery' way would get REALLY frustrating. Why yes, I'd LOVE to sit through the same dialogue and auto-pilot the cross-examinations for twenty minutes because I screwed up at the end.

Vanquish has taught me the value of checkpoints. With checkpoints, each instance is a single bout. The challenge of the game is getting through these chunks of gaming. If I can insta-save at any point, then I don't care about those one-hit-kill homing rockets, I don't care about those charge attacks. I just

@TimeNeverRests (PS1): Or it would have if the game wasn't balls-hard. At the last level, with no save crystals left, I caved and checked a walkthrough at the end just so I wouldn't have to replay the last half hour thanks to some freaking rock dropping out of nowhere.

@WirtsArm: What you're talking about is pretty much how a lot of mouse-controlled games with world maps do it. Puzzle Quest did it (using a touchscreen, even, on the DS). Mario Galaxy did it (optionally... You could click on a world and fly there, or you could use the thumbstick).

@QualityJeverage: Pretty much what I was going to say. It's a bit like saying that the people who pick drunken fights at ball games are the same people who'll discuss the finer points of the sports tactics.

@Tyrunn: Valkyria Chronicles is one of the most underappreciated and awesome games out there. And completely beautiful.

@eatplaysleepmore: Working harder making better doing faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over.

As far as game openings go, Vanquish is up there. Vanquish lets you shoot the crap out of stuff for about ten-fifteen minutes, then throws a building-sized robot at you. And then it gets crazier.

@carrlander: Much as I don't agree the lists were terrible, I do agree that there's definitely more fodder for a weird-transportation list out there.

@MrPerson: And it looks like I wasn't the only one.

Now playing

I looked for Mr. Fish's Youtube page, and I was VERY DISAPPOINT.

Hooray! First time appearing on one of these.

@Ueziel: This is why I'm asking. I dunno how they're shipped out or anything, so...

Crisis on Infinite Mobiuses?

@KingKellogg the Waffle Haggler: The "layers of paper" effect is what you get when previously non-3D movies are turned into 3D. This is part of what was considered revolutionary about the technique used in "Avatar": They filmed the whole thing with particular 3D cameras that actually show the stuff on screen from the