
It doesn't, though the weapon it does give you is apparently pretty cool for PVP. Definitely nothing you need.

If there's any justice, it'll be possible to replace the soundtrack with MP3s or similar. I mean, while the stuff above is probably perfectly functional in the game itself, being able to fight Scorpion while listening to LOST SOUL! BENT ON REVENGE! would take it to a new level entirely.

Apples, or oranges? I can't decide.

Classic Mode is acceptable for now. If anything, THAT is what they should be working with if they really have to redesign the site. I can see the usefulness of having quick access to the top stories in a scrollable sidebar, as long as I don't have to deal with the mess that is the current front page. Sorry, guys, but

Ding! (Or rather, FA-SHING!) Canadian Pharmacist just hit level 29 on the Crossfire server in DC Universe Online. That's after a little more than two weeks of playing. Man, but the levels fly by fast in this game.

Once you start poking into world 5 proper, you'll know how nice it is to be able to equip the Thief's Ring and a resistance ring/regen ring at the same time. Seriously, Thief's Ring. You really really really want to use Thief's Ring.

I've been running around on a European PVP server, and this is actually the first I hear of the glitching. I might've been hit by it or I might not: When I've been hit by a thousand attacks at once, it's been while being mobbed by three or four high-level players at once. Then again, I'm not level 30 yet and haven't

There's no free trial that I know of, but you do get a month free when you buy the game on either PC or PS3. Those 30 days are more than enough to get your character to level 30 and sample the high-level content: I've been playing for two weeks, and my character's already at level 26, despite having a day job and not

The voice acting is indeed hilariously bad in places. We're talking House of the Dead 2 bad. Which isn't really a bad thing, since it's more fun to snicker at the cacophony of same-voiced characters almost simultaneously going "Oh no, he's got a devolver. What are you going to do to me. No. Nooo! Please don't devolve

No Kid Icarus is a bummer, but the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing that I really liked Pilotwings for the SNES. I just hope beyond hope the game won't give me motion sickness in 3D. That, and, well, SSF4 portable. Interested to see how it plays on a handheld.

Fanboyism is just the natural outcome of not being able to afford all the consoles. The kid in you wants to justify the fact that you chose one console over the other. You want to feel GOOD about having bought what you bought, because it sucks when the grass feels greener on the other side of the fence.

Ooh, hey, my neighbor's kid accidentally erased my PC's hard drive with their magnetic Bakugan toys. I'll need to make them pose on a picture too. Tasty new computer, here I come!

@Damon C. Maxwell: Those who haven't programmed them to do anything but break yet, I'm guessing.

@Mubtee: Don't care. Dated Barret at the Gold Saucer. URRRRGH!

@Cabs21: In the future, I could see the "portable system that hooks up to a TV" thing being a reality. But as it is, the NGP ISN'T actually as powerful as the PS3. It doesn't play Blu-Rays. And crucially, the PS3 is likely cheaper to produce for Sony right now. There is absolutely no reason for them to replace the

@Outrider: Fairly easy, yeah, as long as you didn't have to control a camera. PS3 games are another thing, though.

@LightSamus: Some MUGEN people are no doubt creating Ono with a baseball bat and knife-glove right now.

Dear lord, Capcom. Haven't you learned from ALL these years? Provide INCENTIVE to stay online, not restrictions that force you to go online.

@Diamond Sea: It wouldn't be so bad if I was actually fighting critters that would give me experience. But try spending an hour beating up nothing put Pink Sanguinis, and getting almost NOTHING for it (though, granted, at least that quest gets you something very good once you do complete it).

@Diamond Sea: Yeah, you'll want to do your crafting at home, with Internet access. That, or toss a quick FAQ file onto your phone as a text file. That might work, too.