I saw the title, and thought "Do a barrel roll!"
I saw the title, and thought "Do a barrel roll!"
@Cotes: Did you know that if you get a special Minesweeper configuration that only appears about once a month within a certain hour, and you complete that one in three minutes and thirty-three seconds, the game turns into a fully licensed version of Super Mario World?
@WolvenOne: Really? That's too bad. Ruby Weapon was more of a puzzle boss than anything. He's technically beatable before you're strong enough to smack Emerald away, from what I remember.
Lying about FF7?
@TheHavik: Depends if you want Sephiroth to be a challenge. Once you've killed the Weapons, Sephiroth is a walkover.
I will occasionally poke into the trophy list for extra challenges, or get that brief "yay" feeling when one pops up after I did something neat. But that's the extent of it. The last half-year or so, I've barely even looked at the trophy list... If there's no in-game reward for doing something, and the doing itself…
@BattleMoose87: Lava Bow is great for the first playthrough. It was pretty much permanent on one of my right-hand slots.
@BattleMoose87: There should be a Crescent weapon lying around the same level.
@BattleMoose87: Magic weapons are your friend. But yeah, they do take an annoyingly long time to kill. Just ignore the ones in the early areas, unless you need drops from them... They take too much time to kill compared to the xp you get, and they're too slow to really get in the way anyway. Once you get into the…
@freedomweasel: FF7 has hilariously blocky character outside of battle screens and FMVs. It was pretty much Square's first foray into the world of 3D, and shows it. FF8 and FF9 are much improved in that respect, graphics-wise.
@freedomweasel: ... Final Fantasy 7? :)
@p4w4rr10r: I'm sorry, but that's a hilarious name.
@freedomweasel: Wheelchair Cloud has this to say about his hairstyle:
@Atsumi AKA Tiff: I still don't know whether I'll keep playing this once the free (or rather bought with the game) month is up. This is fun to tear around in, and worth the purchase price, but we shall see if it's lasting fun or if I'll just go "eh" and move on after the first month.
@Kristopher Kosie: I've only played it for a couple of days, and it's more than a bit cumbersome when using the in-game chat interface without a USB keyboard. Forget typing stuff in the middle of doing stuff... If you want to communicate with teammates, you'd better have a mic, at least on the PS3.
Hype is one thing, but keeping it up is another. I have a feeling there's a reason why we haven't seen mention of a price point yet, and it's not just because they're not done setting it yet. I think that's where the real test of these things is going to be... If Sony's going to release the NGP at 350 dollars or more,…
This, then, is Canadian Pharmacist. He's running around the Crossfire (PS3, EU) server, doing his best to keep up the reputation of spammers everywhere.
@TheRealDoshu: Like the DS and PSP, I'm likely going to get both, really. I'm a sucker for handhelds.
@TheRealDoshu: It's all about the games.
For those of you who still care about Linux on PS3: According to this article at [www.pressfire.no] , the Norwegian consumers' advisory board have reported Sony to the Norwegian consumer authorities for the removal of the Linux option from the PS3.