
@BattleMoose87: Oop. I misread, actually. You meant you couldn't get ONE of the special weapon upgrades. I missed the "one" there. My bad!

@Jorvid: Was it titled "H4H" or similar?

@King Jimmeh: Mainly because I'm pretty sure the Uncharted creators were heavily Fillion-influenced when they made Nathan.

@BattleMoose87: Uhm... You do know that it's not the Armored Spider that allows you to do the fun upgrades, right? It's Flamelurker :)

@Gemini-Phoenix: ... All these replies remind me of that one literature exam in a Norwegian school where most of the students flunked because they missed that the text they were analyzing was ironic.

@fuchikoma: From what I've been reading here, the DS games themselves have no regional data on them. So, much like the also region-coded DSi (which is apparently also region-locked for DSi-specific games, and we're not just talking downloadables here), you'd be able to play any regular DS game from any region on any

I love my videogame music, and it's defined a lot of the experience for me. But when I'm, say, visiting family (or with family visiting) and playing something like Dragon Quest 9 (we're talking multi-day, spending-the-night visits here... I'm not bringing my DS for dinner with grandma)... Then I'll play with the sound

@黒天使: Kinda hard to do that without the firmware or anything on it.

'Cause Minecraft is, like, the blue-collar working dude, and FarmVille is, like, the Man!

@LucasReis: Angled view for single-player mode.

@Kovitlac: This would be my answer:

@Wafflemao: Playing Ranked in Super Street Fighter 4. Laggy Ryu. Laggy Ryu. Laggy Ryu. Laggy Ken. Laggy Ryu. Laggy Ryu. Laggy Blanka. Ryu. Laggy Ryu. RAEG-


Please please please let them just be referring to the online store. Pleeeease.

Now, I've just barely looked over this one - I spotted Heavy Rain, and so didn't read the rest, since that one's next in my gaming queue - but it'd be nice with some clue as to which games are involved, rather than just saying "spoilers". There are SO many games out there that you're basically discouraging anyone with

@Illoominator: Oh, probably the same morons who can't dial 911 because they've been playing Angry Birds, or Infinity Blade, or Monkey Island, or listening to music, or watching a movie, or surfing, until the battery died.

@Knoxximus Togo: Your posts aren't saying that you prefer a dedicated games playing device because you don't like your gaming interrupted. They're more saying that people are dumb to buy a phone that also plays games that are more involved than Angry Birds. It's all in the tone, and you're being aggressive and

@Knoxximus Togo: No, no. As I said, what I'm poking you for is your assumption that everyone uses a phone the same way you do, no matter the social life. I may also poke you for what's starting to sound like bragging.

@Duuuuuuude: Dr. Mario would stuff random pills into you until you filled up, and virii took over your body completely.