@FlvAvi: I'm personally not a hardcore enough Smash Bros player to really complain about these things, but I have HEARD the arguments. And the brunt of them go like this:
@FlvAvi: I'm personally not a hardcore enough Smash Bros player to really complain about these things, but I have HEARD the arguments. And the brunt of them go like this:
Okay, I'm not interested in the game itself, but these graphics are sweet... And made all the sweeter by the fact that these are first-generation 3DS graphics.
@Knoxximus Togo: Methinks you're harboring too much rage, sir. I also think you're considering nothing but your own phone usage. Which is what I'm going to (gently and without blurting out unnecessary insults) ridicule you for.
@Knoxximus Togo: And then there are those who don't have a PSP, and are looking into the smartphone market, and heeey, there's a phone that also happens to play PS1/PSP games.
@zackfair: I was worried about that too - looks awfully hard to judge distances - but it seems you can choose camera angles on the fly, by the look of that multiplayer video. And thank goodness for that.
@Erwin: Probably a lot more, in that case! Collectability is superior to quality.
@Natey: When you think about it, that's perfect for Tycho.
@MonkeyBiz: Try playing it with more than one person. It's a ton of fun like that. It's just varied enough to promote cooperation. And you can double-tap to run, and you unlock more moves as you play.
Riiiiiiiiiidge Racer!
@ghostadv: You're likely seeing early stages. They rarely want to overwhelm people who're playing a demo.
@PTT: Nintendo holds the patent to the Nintendo-style D-pad, which is why Sony made and then patented the (thumb-destroying but otherwise good) separated-type pad. The raised-disc D-pad type doesn't seem to be patented, or the patent for it is owned by someone who's not shy about giving people access to it.
The D-pad is interesting. While there's no way it can be worse than the regular X-box D-pad, I wonder how it feels to use it for games where you're actually moving with it, or fighting games. Y'know, considering the whole "each direction is a button" thing.
@B33: A box serves two purposes:
Looks like they're distancing themselves a little from the Apple image, too. Which is good.
@Krackato-ATOMIC COLLIDER!: Good point, actually. I've used some of that myself, and it IS enjoyable.
@Krackato-ATOMIC COLLIDER!: Well, yeah. But is there really any other recent fighting game where what you do to a knocked-down/up-close opponent is SUCH a big part of the gameplan? Akuma, Zangief, Abel, Rufus, El Fuerte, Viper... The twins, too, now. Honda would be too, if he wasn't such an effective turtle.
This needs a #NSFW tag.
@Black Knight Rebel: Soul Calibur is for people who boobs.
What's kinda screwed up my enjoyment of Street Fighter 4 isn't the combos (though 1-frame links are annoying), but the reliance on guessing. So much of the game relies on knocking the opponent down or getting up in the opponent's face just so you can set up mixups that are honestly impossible to react to.
Dragon Quest 9, I love you, but damn... Some of these quests are downright retarded.