
@Mr.Wake: It DID turn into a kinda-crap RTS. I gave up on the game after the first battle with the Goths. Kinda got tired of running around the battlefield confused, yelling at units who wouldn't do what I wanted them to (dear LORD the pathfinding sucks), and being frustrated until I somehow won anyway.

@Mr.Wake: If you've got a PS3, buy iiiiiiiiit. Seriously. Why do you let which console it's on influence whether you buy it or not, if you've got both consoles anyway? :)

@acamas: Well, I killed the phantoms. That is, I killed one, then retreated to the other side of the hole where the platform had been raised up earlier in order to grass up... And then the other two kinda just decided to run right into the hole. Hooray!

@acamas: My favorite, downright mean Crystal Lizard moment from the game: Seeing two of them starting to run into a cave, and following them, desperately trying to lock on with a bow, focusing on them complAUGH THREE BLACK PHANTOMS IN MY FACE RUN RUN RUN!

@vote quimby: Too much needless backtracking, annoying boss battles. Soooo no. RE2 was the best I'd played until 4 came along.

@Mr.Wake: Demon's Souls has been my biggest obsession this year. Though I've technically spent more time on Dragon Quest 9, that's portable, so it doesn't count as much... I tend to put portable games down now and then while leaving them on.

You have this, and you STILL haven't played FF6? Get to it, man! Make yourself worthy of this desirable-to-a-fan merchandise! Although I will give you this: If that looked banged up, you would be receiving SO much hate from many. I would simply be amused. Though I do like the game.

I remember, as a happy, young SNES owner, looking at Donkey Kong Country renders in the Nintendo magazine, and having understood that HOLY CRAP IT'S GOING TO LOOK LIKE THAAAT!

@hot_heart: At least one Norwegian newspaper loves the hell out of it, too.

@deanb: For those of us who don't know code, LBP was a godsend. I must've spent more than a hundred hours engineering levels.

@acamas: I tended to wince at that jingle, because since I mostly went around without the Thief's Ring on (until I knew better), that tended to mean that they were already running away.

@Amazing_Spiderham: For me, there's definitely a difference. But any cable will do, as others have pointed out. My 40-inch Bravia can do some nice settings with an HDMI cable, such as full pixel mode (no overscan) on the PS3.

@madammina: Speaking as a "trying to make this a varied fighter" type thing, I think Sabin/Mash is a good bet. He could have Street Fighter-type inputs... Though we'd better be able to cheat and tap in the sequences on four-way directionals, like in FF6!

@Bugoongu: It's all about presentation. Sure, there are games out there that allow you to shoot balls at towers in a similar fashion. But this game (apparently, at least; my HTC Hero chokes on it) provides a fun, memorable presentation to go with an easy-to-play and fairly fun concept.

Yep, that's definitely just close enough to human to step right into Uncanny Valley, build a house and settle down with a creepy wife and kids that look like they're kindasorta going to eat your soul, much like that policeman there.

@DrakeDatsun: Have you ever tried reading Silmarillion, though? I tried and failed twice. It's an interesting reference guide for the mythology, but, man, it's downright brittle. Sandy.

Here's to you, mr. Tolkien, for forever ensuring that dwarves wouldn't like elves except if both races were part of a ragtag group of adventurers, in which case a grudging respect and eventual friendship would be formed.

@p4w4rr10r: Also, dwarves don't like elves.