
Okay, so apparently my suspicions about the Super Mario All-Stars EU release is right: The damn game runs in 50hz, rather than the optimized 60hz. A disc release, celebrating Mario, in 2010, runs in 50hz only.

@Cookiecat: Raph, though I can't quite remember why. Think it might've been the special attack.

@Killer Toilet: Plok likely inspired nothing but fever dreams about weird red-booted gimp creatures with detachable limbs and a hatred for giant fleas and giant-lipped creatures and hands coming out of the ground and argh.

Now playing

The Follins bros., then, live in space. Or inside a pinball machine. Or in a sugar factory. Maybe in a sugar factory where pinballs mix the sugar, located in space.

@Sugoi: I'm a real gamer! Awesoooome.

@Marci Hawkins: The first game, that is, pales. The second is the better game.

He also enjoys photographing large cats yawning while walking around topless, apparently.

@Ali-Kharazi: It's only 720P on a 22-inch screen, so I wouldn't recommend it.

@jedbeetle: In Pacman CE's case, you'd have to be seriously strapped for cash to settle for the Minis version unless you're aiming to play it on the PSP. The DX game has been available on the PSN store since last week :)

@p4w4rr10r: You will learn to fear the ice block level. Truly.

@Tebasaki: I guess it either says something about me or about Family Guy that I at first thought that was a random gag about Peter misunderstanding the situation since he doesn't actually know Spanish, or something. "Peter, that's like the time you thought you knew Spanish, and misinterpreted everything as random

@Venom: It has the potential to beat the opening of "Mortal Kombat: Annihilation" for sheer "dear lord this is so stupid and awesome it's stupidly awesome".

Never underestimate the power of schlock. Uwe Boll is shaping up to be the Troma of the noughties/tens, honestly. He's found his niche, and he's using it... And really, can you blame him for it? There's always a market for entertainingly bad stuff.

@Amnesiac85: I dunno. I find that movie to be cheesily hilarious. If I didn't already have it, I'd be grateful!

@TheRealDoshu: Yes. In fact, playing offline is already a strategy a lot of people use when they want to manipulate the world tendency in their own game. Playing offline gives you full control of world tendency through your actions, whereas playing online means every time you log on, all of the levels will go one

@Count_Zero_Interrupt: If anyone, Telltale Games are the most likely to ever have a go at it. Not because they make brilliant games - they're all pretty good, but not amazing - but because they've put out a LOT of games based on properties we never thought we'd see turned into games again. They got to make a BONE

@d00d123: What if a previously ironic troll came and unironically flamed your comment about ironic trolls because the previously ironic troll knew that ironic trolls fuel the flames of unironic trolls, and this is why he/she stopped being an ironic troll in the first place?

@Kryptolojik: I agree with every part of this except the apparent need for games to be playable for eight-hour stretches.