
@Nick Edge: I could see them pulling a glasses-using 3D screen upgrade a few iterations in.

@mbk337: Same stuff they take the alien autopsy pictures with. 'Cause it's the only film the Man can't mess with, you know.

@RockyRan: Mirdan Hammer's supposedly one of the best weapons in the game, especially Blessed. I'm gonna play around with that and the Meat Cleaver once I start NG+ proper... Got a Blessed Mirdan Hammer +3 sitting in my inventory as well.

@RockyRan: So... What was your SL and equipment at the end, and how'd you build your character? :)

@RockyRan: I didn't read up on the boss battles until after I'd done each of them (again, except for Maneater, but dammit, one of them glitched out on me and I needed to see if I could bring them back and if I could avoid the glitch next go around... And even then, I pretty much only discovered that yep, I was doing

@Jonn: Gasp! How dare you use such ethnic slurs! It's "geographically challenged", thank you very much!

@RockyRan: Oh, definitely. I didn't actually look up the different upgrade material locations, but I did go through the list of White and Black world events during October... Of course, this only benefits my New Game +, since the Lava Bow is pretty much the only thing I could use before the very end of the game

So "Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes" is one of those awesome-but-flawed (or flawed-but-awesome) games.

Hmmmm. Smells like a conspiracy. She has a squad, yes... She must have a squad. Of ninjas.

Oh no!

@RockyRan: Awesomeness. Did you make liberal use of the Wiki, or was this an un-assisted playthrough? I imagine the game would've taken me 10-20 hours longer if I hadn't looked into the various weapon upgrades and options for the different boss souls. Considering that some of the weapon upgrades and spells are fairly

@Methusalah: "Ohhhh, I totally get it now! Being an antisocial jerk will get me lots of awesome friends AND a hot girlfriend!" Yep, I'm sure you're not the only one.

@InAnimateAlpha: Most people stopped caring about bits around when the PS2 and GameCube came around. The Dreamcast was, as far as I can remember, the last time a console was measured in "bits" (it apparently had 128), and people didn't talk about the bits for long even with that.

Depends how hard it is to make a (perfect) Virtual Boy emulator for the 3DS. If Nintendo can pull it off without wasting too many resources on it, then sure. Considering how few games were released for the console, though, I doubt they'd bother with that.

@AgentSmithAndWesson: The fact that there's no Rocket Slime on the list has to be a crime against something, somewhere. A slime crime. Involving slimy puns. Slurp.

@Tanneseph: It's like FF in that each game is its own.