
@mrClint: Yeah. Don't be an R-tard.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait. They're both attractive, healthy-looking, clean-skinned individuals.

@Pissed Off PC Gamer: A world populated by properly randomized character models that actually look different, but also look viable. Right now, over the course of an RPG's playing time you're bound to run into the same person with the same voice several times, just maybe with slightly different clothing. In a

@TheHeartless: I'm having trouble determining whether or not you're being ironic.

Now playing

They'd better have this tune playing when you're fighting him. This tune is the best thing about Sub-Zero. Like, ever.


@Yankton: It's the Soul Calibur kinda soulful. Y'know... His soul still burns!

@Fernando Jorge: Why did Dr. Light and Mega Man ever think that it was anyone else besides Dr. Wily? Why didn't Mega Man just teleport directly to the Robot Masters' lairs? Why does he get rid of the weapons between each time Wily comes up with a new scheme? Why doesn't Light install a jetpack on him? Why can't he

@animeman59: Now, let me say that as someone who works in newspapers, I know the value of posts like these. Having a second party read through an article means they'll spot a good amount of stuff the author didn't. So don't take this as a hostile post. Yours is GOOD. I just... can't pass this up! Partly because of

I hope that one page you've shown isn't representative of the rest of the comic. Having sound effects fill a quarter of the page like that doesn't work for me, especially when it gets in the way of the art.

@madammina: Don't go overboard. It's best to do a few recognizable-as-videogame-character types, rather than crowd the poster with a ton of characters. A good poster is visible and recognizable from afar.

@Why So Many Shooters: Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Smash Bros Melee (considered to be a better game overall than Brawl on the Wii), Eternal Darkness, Soul Calibur 2 (best game in the series, and the GC version includes Link), Killer 7 (weird game, though... Try before you buy, if you can and you don't find it for cheap).

@Batman: Super Street Fighter 4 did that to me online. Once I got good enough that I could trash scrubs online, but lag messed up my gameplay against actually-good people (as well as the actually-good people's gameplay), I found myself increasingly raging at the game for Not Doing What I Wanted It To Do.

@painfull2006: I don't play FPS, but from what I've read in reviews the single-player campaign is freaking awesome. So, uh. That's about it.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: "Fairer comparison"? Are we afraid of hurting the feelings of those who don't win the popularity contest?

Looks like a fun, and fairly well done project. The levels do seem to get a little more claustrophobic in the change... I could've sworn Mario used to be smaller compared to his surroundings, though it could be the different graphics and closer viewpoint making it look that way.