
Plowing through the game like that isn't really an enjoyable way to do it, anyway. Games weren't meant to be chugged down in eight-hour stretches of time. I've played some games like that, and you just get numb.

@BustahWolf: He's naked except for his tie. That's less "sharp" and more "Chippendales".

@darthvolta: I was about to say the same thing. To some, David is a masterpiece. To others, DUR HUR HIS PEENER'S OUT!

Ah, delicious Engrish. And on such... odd models, too! Not sure what's going on with their poses, except Hunting Action Monster Hunter guy seems to have fallen asleep, and the third guy from the left ith tho TOTALLY gunner, oh yeeeeah!

@MrGOH: Weltschmerz. I like that word.

Punching people is so lumping horrible. Pshyeah. Should, like, totally have a game about lumps. Biting people and turning them into, like, other lumps. Werewolf rules. Ar, rar.

The whole "difficulty" debate has me thinking of two games. One is, as those of you who recognize me at all will have noticed, Demon's Souls. The other one that I've been playing for a few hours now is Super Mario Galaxy 2.

@Chard: I am not a vegetable: Well, I did do a quick run through 1-1 immediately upon completing it. Wanted to salvage those 130000 souls :) It wasn't too horribly hard, though it was a touch tougher to get in on the boss.

Demon's Souls, I have completed thee. Took me about 58 hours, though I sometimes left the game running in the Nexus. Lots of fun either way.

@2c-b: Two words: Contextual actions.

Wait, it doesn't exist in Japan? Aw, you lucky bastiches. Much as the extra hour of sleep going into winter is nice, it's not worth the lost hour in the summer.

Yoshinobu Nishizaki: Made cartoons about boats in space and tentacle rape, did drugs, smuggled guns, died falling off a boat.

@ClaudioIphigenia: You can always import! Though your sister would need a way to play European DVDs. Most LCD TVs handle a 50hz signal just fine, so if she's got one of those, she just needs to make sure that her DVD/Blu-Ray player can handle it as well.

@Juan29.zapata: If you're thinking of LittleBigPlanet 1, then no. The whole point of that DLC is to give you level-building tools... You can play levels OTHERS have made with them, but you can't even receive level bonuses that utilize these. Like, say, if someone left a paintball-vulnerable enemy as a prize.

I was seriously happy to discover just yesterday that the Professor Layton movie "The Eternal Diva" has received a European Blu-Ray/DVD release. It should be on its way to me now, and all shall be delicious and puzzly.

I finally finished the second Layton game (yay!). 134 puzzles completed out of 138 in the story mode, and the only ones left were the really, REALLY tough ones (the bigger chess puzzle and the bigger peg solitaire one, for instance). Couldn't be bothered to find all the tea-drinkers, considering the annoying

@travieyak: I dunno about Condemned, but I do know that when you

@DeadnBuried: The story appears very gradually, through talking