
@Murderdolls: Keep in mind, this is polled from a somewhat serious fighting game community. Most people who want to play a shoto pretty much go for Ryu (who's near-top tier) or Akuma (who's argued to be the top character in the game by some). Ken's less effective than either of them.

@Dr.Rabbit: Juri's free on wakeup and requires holding buttons (which kinda makes it harder to play her on pad). This equals non-popularity.

@MichaelPalin: The Ultra moves have changed their gameplan a bit more. SF4 Ryu was mainly concerned with landing his combos-from-anything Ultra, while SSF4 Ryu is slightly less so, but still freaking boring to play against. Ken is more about the mixups and rushing down with his different moves and better Shoryuken.

@rainofwalrus: Considering that she's actually pretty good in Super, not really. I'm actually thinking of picking her up once I've calmed down some from mistiming ANOTHER freaking Zonk punch online.

@Smiley Massacre: Me too, considering that, well, he kinda sucks. Offline he's okay, though fairly low tier, but he's so much fun once you get a bit of pressure going. Online, he REALLY gets killed by just a bit of input lag thanks to not having a mashable reversal (or even one you can double-tap... You get just ONE

@Koda89: Not any more. He's mid tier now, since they messed with his Tiger Knee and greatly reduced his uppercut damage. Now that you actually have to think to use him, he's less attractive.

@SaucyN: Sadly, Brütal Legend was always meant to be the RTS-except-don't-play-it-like-one-even-though-the-game-teaches-you-to it is.

So does this mean that we'll actually be playing a Double Fine game because playing it is actually fun, rather than tolerating the gameplay because everything around it is awesome?

Clearly these people need to get some multiplayer games on.

@Young-King-Ady: From what I remember, you want to approach her from the back. She's not omniscient, so much like regular soldiers, if you've gotten her to turn around, you can smack her in the back with something armor-breaking before she can shoot you. Of course, then she shoots back.

@Derek Rumpler: As far as the "canon" goes, the Metroid Prime trilogy is really the only bit of the series that offers much at all, beyond what you see while playing. There's a lot of fun info to be gleaned by scanning anything and everything, especially in the first game.

@madammina: Yeah, the extra story and explanation you get in the postgame is the reason why I played that game for sixtyish hours. Once I'd ticked all the checkboxes, though, I couldn't be bothered to max out the pin collection. Too danged much effort, grinding and FAQ Please (regarding pins you get through evolving

@SadAstronaut: Could be the router, too, if you're hooked up to one. I suffered from the occasional disconnect problem until I got a new one that behaves.

@Killer Toilet: Well, if you're a friend of his, you can't really die outside of cutscenes. Plus, if he parks so that your door's blocked, you can freely sock him in the face to get him out of the car. And even if you do die, there's a chance the world will glitch and you'll call Niko up to ask to hang out anyway.

@shkm: What meteora said. As far as functionality goes, it actually covers the bases really well, unless you're one of the unlucky people for whom the controller doesn't sit well in the hand. My only problem with it was that (1) it made for REALLY sweaty palms, and (2) the joystick bit has really horrible durability,

@Whizkid103: You don't want to drink with Nathan, because you're probably going to wind up getting shot or held hostage or otherwise screwed over by one of his OTHER drinking buddies. Seriously, it never fails.

@Duke Lombardi: You don't know what you're getting intooooo!

I'm a little concerned that the jumping and general movement looks... floaty outside of the high-speed sequences. Could be that the animations make it look that way, and the game PLAYS perfectly fine. I hope that's the case.

@Xero: Chuck Norris.