
@Recoil: Well, both Ibuki and Makoto have puffy pants. Mind you, the SF4 character designs ARE pretty bulky overall. Huge feet all over.

@zhangzheng: Ooh, he's a non-charging character? My interest just peaked.

@Nulls: Playing Rufus solves these things. Hang back and wait for the opponent to attack? Only if he's a runaway and I have a decent life lead, or if he's a Zangief. And even then I have to be proactive.

@peteer02: That's an old tier list, though. Rog is still near the top, definitely on the same level as Rufus, but apparently, since players figured out his tricks, he got bumped down a notch.

@BlueCrazy: Well, tiers are just for top-level play. Excepting the characters right at the bottom, and excepting certain tough matchups (my mediocre Rufus kicks all kinds of Claw ass even if the players ARE better than me), tiers don't really matter much until you're playing against people who know the game's ins and

@herogear: The PSP's supported online play for a while now. You'd just have to rely on a wireless connection, which kinda sucks.

@AndrosZ: Better still, said legs are posed in that ridiculous, awkward way that one always poses one's action figures in eventually when one gets bored of trying to make them look natural. Posed by TRUE action figure aficionados.

@herogear: Player 1 plays as Ryu, player 2 plays as Ken. A fires a Hadoken into the screen. Hit enough stuff and you fill your Super meter. Yep, I could see it!

@Vadim BenKatz: Hmm. That does actually make some sorta sense.

@shouryuuken: Do you REALLY want to play a scaled-down, sprite-based (not even properly 2D-animated, but in that ugly pre-rendered-sprites way), simplified SF4 on the Wii?

@Vadim BenKatz: Sony doesn't want you to play games on their phones. They want you to use your PSP for that.

@Spidery_Yoda: They were never released as one game, and so they'll never be released as one game.

Prehistorik Man is actually pretty good fun. Easyish, but very slick platforming, and I'm pretty sure it went by unnoticed by most when it came out.

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: Well, of course he enjoys the game. I guess a better way to phrase it is: Do you know of anyone who enjoys playing these games, who didn't actually play them back when they came out? :)

@shouryuuken: This is cheaper both to make and distribute, and will likely make them a good chunk of money, too. That's about it, really.

@deanbmmv: Some time after the notion of "popular game brand + iPhone = money even if the game is crap" fades away.

@Showmeyomoves!: Ah, but the star givers and star taking-awayers are a fickle bunch.