
@Taggart6 has awesome video game ideas: @Dreamwriter: I'm guessing "Super". Hitting more than one button on that interface is going to be physically impossible, as mentioned above.

@AndrosZ: They've got what looks like a "special move" button there, so I'm guessing this is an Easy Operation type game. You know, hold the stick in one direction and hit SP, and you get a Shoryuken.

@RockyRan: Augh! Thanks for reminding me... I got that one along with a bunch of others in an online auction. It's horrible enough to be amusing.


@Knaaks: Hmm. So what you're saying is, you're playing it because of nostalgia?

"Say, this reminds me of another way to kick a soccer ball."

Does anyone actually enjoy playing these two games? There's old-school, and then there's just plain dull.

@the7k: @rhugghed: They keep slowly confirming stuff because regardless of the leaked list, a new character reveal is still going to get them publicity. If they revealed all the characters right now, they'd have to do something different to keep SSF4 in the media until the release.

Well, they did lower the price for Flower on the European PSN store, at least.

@electroshockwave: A few games have done this to me. I've spent an entire day playing Final Fantasy Tactics. And when me and a friend started playing Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri years ago, we suddenly realized that it was 4 in the morning and we hadn't eaten for about eight hours.

@SliceSabre: There's hate? I thought the whole "omg consoles are for noobs and grandmas" versus "omg peesee gaming costs millions and you have to be a rocket scientist" thing had died down.

@deanbmmv: Duh-hoik. Yeah, I had a minor brain fart there. The point still stands, though! :)

@deanbmmv: One possible explanation is that, since the 360 version obviously isn't completed yet, they quickly doctored together a few proof-of-concept screens to show how the interface would work on the 360. From there, it's not too far-fetched for the person responsible for the press shots to find'em in the folders

@Jon: From what I've read on Eurogamer, among other sites, the problem isn't the relative power of the two consoles... The problem is that they have different strengths. If one version of the game is designed to make the most out of every shortcut and unique quirk one console has, the other version has to be

@Fernando Jorge: Because Capcom wants you to want more. Wanting more means being more likely to buy SSF4.

@Wolfnave: There's a joke in here about online multiplayer in any game that has sniper classes, but, meh.

@Chronixal: Simon Cowell once set up a "top 20 songs ever" type list for VH1. It was mostly boy-bands. 5ive had something like three or four songs in there. All respect: Lost!

@imaria: Most likely it'd go something along the lines of "Seriously? You're kidding, right?"