
Could just be that his lawyer made a bad deal and then convinced the dude that it was a good deal. Could also be that, once the deal was done, that Nintendo came to the guy and basically said, "Hey, we'll waive a bunch of this if you'll go out on the telly and say you're really sorry". Or it could be just as you said

@crablin: It's a subliminal thing. 9.96 LOOKS cheaper than 10.00 to most people.

@gogozombie: Lots of era-specific humor in there, that's all. Back then, they could TOTALLY relate. And it was even funnier if they were drunk.

@magnakaiser: Lemme guess... You never lived in a place where you actually get snow?

@MacGyver1138: How can MacGyver not know this? IMPOSTOR!

This sounds like another game it'd be fun to push the boundaries on. I'll likely get it, and I doubt I'll do it the first time, but eventually I'll have to see what the game's like if EVERYONE's a total bastard.

Breaking news! Church sues NIS America for trademark infringement! "People were thinking the game had something to do with Jesus", says Church's attorney.

@Michael Dukakis: Original, unoriginal... All puns are just exercises in verbal masturbeartion.

Rauuugh! Die, you living-plant-munching giant bug bastard!

@denki: The DS version is pretty cheap these days.

@Psudonym: The 100+ hours of gameplay in Final Fantasy Tactics fit on less than a CD.

@Paul_Is_Drunk: Mind you, the graphics ARE a big part of FF6's charm. As far as SNES graphics go, it's top notch.

@denki: You're wanting something along the lines of Chrono Trigger. Dual- and Triple Techs were the order of the day there.

@Ashurahori: Hey, FF12 was technically a Final Fantasy Tactics spinoff. So yeah, I'm not thinking they'll unleash FFXIII-2 on us.

@OmegaSpartan08: Don't worry, dude. He just found the big chest with the Hookshot in it, so he's halfway done.

@SolidMGSnake: At least Wii Fit doesn't require that you feed it.

@V0Lt4Ge: Now I'm totally starting a band called "Disturburbed".

@OmegaSpartan08: I didn't catch it at first, either. I blame seeing this early in the morning on a Monday. Curse you, Mondayyyy!

This is just my ignorance as a non-360 owner, but... 36 of 51 what?

@Alex_Mexico: Well, I figured out early on that all the star coins and exits, unlike with NSMB DS, were supposed to be doable with the tools available in the level itself. It's just that doing that final platform WITHOUT taking a hit and WITHOUT using the POW block (which might kill the plant you needed to stand on)