@arbsnotdead: Mom-wife and granddad-uncle-dad beg to disagree!
@arbsnotdead: Mom-wife and granddad-uncle-dad beg to disagree!
@Malice: Project Rainbow-colored Wolf.
@Spamps: Although if you've got a second controller, you basically have an invincible partner to kill bosses with.
@Taggart6 found a new place to live!: Blue! No, yel-AAAAAGH!
@Bizzenya: Nah. 3D graphics are just cheaper to make decently, especially for a game like this.
Love... with teeth.
@MifuneT: Well, of course I'm simplifying. Of course there's more than that, due to the PS1 and PSP having different programming languages, abilities, etc. But my point remains: PSP version = easier and will shut people up.
@pastepunkjames: Ohhh, hey, I'd forgotten about the Cinderella series. Gotta get the TPB of that.
@High Speed Indeed: The first volume is pretty good, but it's in the second book, "Animal Farm", that things really pick up. So even if you're not completely convinced by the end of volume 1, at LEAST pick that up.
Okay, Squeenix. Listen. Here's what you do: FF7 PSP.
@superapplekid: PS1 graphics actually look pretty stylin' on the PSP, in my opinion. Smaller screen + slight filtering = sweet.
@excel_excel: From what I remember from playing the disc version, yes... It's pretty much the same squashed/slow conversion. They didn't really get it right until FFXII: Even FFX suffered from PAL laziness.
@the|absolute: I guess it's as much to say "Hey, look, we didn't change'em!" and provide more SSF4 coverage overall. Gotta keep the game alive between new character reveals, and all.
@JenJenRobot: Jack being such a giant douche is precisely why the comic IS likeable. They took a relatively dull whiny-dude-nobody-trusts-because-he's-always-conning-people guy from Fables, and added extra Entertainingly Snarky Dickhead to his personality, and it worked.
"Invincible" will make you read all the TPBs and then start buying the issues. Because dammit, what happens next?
@denki: Now imagine a loud and angry Japanese man in armor screaming it as he runs across a battlefield.
@denki: "Reginleiv" is probably an example of something that sounds totally badass in Japanese, but stupid when you try to say it in English/German.
@josephmeraz: Your comment spent too long in development.
@Alex_Mexico: Some, not all of them. Could just be the way I played the game... I wouldn't leave a level until I'd found all star coins. I recognize that I could've zoomed through the lot of them in short order if I'd ignored the star coins, but where's the fun in that?
You're all FINALLY getting what you've been clamoring for: A console 2D-gameplay Sonic with just Sonic in it. This is what's been asked for ever since, what, Sonic Adventure 2?