
At least that gave us those badass looking bird masks. We just have those lame looking N95 masks.

I think the problem amounts to the fact that people are clamoring for information, and there isn’t a lack of it out there. What there is tho, is a whole lot of people who are posting shit on Facebook with no context, and without attribution. Many of them aren’t doing it with malice, but it’s really hard for people


You mean I can finally pay near full price for these ten year old games...again? And on worse hardware? Sign me up!

Tom Nook offers zero interest loans with infinitely flexible payment plans, the only stipulation being that you can’t take out another loan until your current one is paid off.

As of writing the post Nathan Grayson has been missing for the past seven days. His apartment was found empty save for a fully booted pc and a still running Index gently seated on a gaming chair.

Amen - there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Bell-Shepards owning some apartments. In fact, as rental housing stock in LA goes, you’re much better off having a celebrity couple like them for landlords (they’ll fix things, if only to avoid bad press) than some real estate investment ghoul like Steve Mnuchin who

Shes probably pissed her landlord won’t and is taking it out on them. 

he devised an experiment where volunteers jumped off a 150-foot platform

We’ve been playing the same game of tag where everyone else in the world is it while walking our dogs. It does help get more steps in during the walks, but it’s definitely odd. Also we thought we lost one of our dog’s favorite chew toys, but last night I see him just casually start chewing on it again, as if he had


Well, Not Always.

Damn. That’s some bs. 

Great, now I’m reading everything the Nooks say in English as being totally sarcastic and condescending.

They are just making sure everything is safe. In these scary times, it’s nice to have some support. 

This is my first internet.

Wow. Are you new on the internet? You’re not supposed to be nice and kind here. You’re supposed to say things like “this game sucks, therefore you all suck”.

I’ve never played AC and its not the kind of game that I’d be into but it’s super cool seeing people get so excited about this new one.

This is what you’ve been training for, people! This is not a drill! Now get in there, isolate yourselves, and play games like your life depends on it!

Missing the point. Biden has already won. The votes are what they are, and there is no viable path for Sanders to take the nomination.