
“It sort of gave me a little bit of perspective, because technically I got grouped in with these people somehow,” Kjellberg said.

Wait—why is Superman wearing a breastplate? Isn’t his chest literally as hard as that??

You’ve probably heard this, but play arena. It evens out the field.

Not every week, or the jackpot wouldn’t roll.

This post will also tell you if you won the Powerball jackpot:

It’s European!!!

That mirror at the head of the bed is totally so he can watch her, not himself.

Surely I’m not the only person to notice the similarity between this and the “Fun Parks” from Fahrenheit 451:

I’ll be interested when they cut the price. It was ridiculous at $60 at release, and it’s even more ridiculous a year later.

This should make finding your contacts easy.

But he had double strike, clearly.

“There are old mushroom hunters and there are bold mushroom hunters. But there are no old, bold mushroom hunters.”

That’s why most astronauts have to eat the less appealing alternative—the tortilla.

Proving once again the the Tenth Doctor is the best Doctor.

Somehow I just know that he has a group of people who stand in the bathroom with him every morning to applaud like that after he shits.

Uh...Lando—-that’s not how you aim a gun....

I know you’ve already published this, but I would like to submit a name change for this feature, from “What now?” to “What fresh hell?”.

How does piracy work into this? I own PS3 games on disk, and if this worked I would buy P5 for PS3 as well. But I’m not buying a game for a nearly decade old console that might up and die on me at any minute, and I’m not buying a PS4 with a much better gaming PC sitting right there.

Hey! Aren’t you supposed to be finishing Witcher 3??