
Wait—rising sea levels reduce habitable territories for fish and squid?

Wait...was that a Captain America with a turd shield?

If you’re already taking her camping, it seems like with a little planning you are in a prime position to test this. Do it for science!

So then why is he being “featured” here???

Certainly someone to take advice on if you were interested in scamming a bunch of people with a load of bullshit. For normal people, however, I suspect he would not be a good choice.

I’m more disturbed that you were apparently playing P5 as Matt LeBlanc.

I would love to see a thread with every twitter handle on it. I bet they’d change it then...

...a spectacularly unpopular healthcare system...

Dude looks like he’s trying to contact Dormammu.

It’s like cleavage, or the sun. You get a sense of him, then look away.

Great article.

Anticipated by whom??

This is the way of the GOP: The government is hopeless, and if you’ll elect me, I can prove it to you.

Was he touching himself? I bet he was touching himself...

I haven’t even read the article (Notice I put that at the start so you can skip this if you want to).

I have one tattoo. I designed it, and researched things a lot before I got it. So I can say with some confidence that Tattoo artists (if they’re good) will balk about tattooing names, because those are usually shorter

Why do these old posts show up in the sidebars? Due to posters? My off-Kinja searches for “extremely tiny wife-beaters”?

So I pulled it out when I got home. It looks fine and tastes fine. It is so tender that it just falls apart, which is awesome. The only complaint is that is needs more salt, which we pretty much expected since we hardly put any in the pickling liquid. Next time, we’ll try brine first and then cook and see how it goes.

Doing the last 8 hours of the ME:A demo. Then maybe more Lego Worlds. I picked up a bunch of games recently and can’t really remember all of them, so I’ll probably have to go back through the list when I finish with Ryder and the Incompetents.

Is this one of those gimmick things they send out in advance of a video game? I’m assuming this is for Resident Evil 7.