Obviously: gloating
Obviously: gloating
On the plus side, they should find a lot of company once they are in prison.
I thought those went through a digestive system before they were boxed up and sold.
“Yes, I’m here. Where are you? You said you’d be here at...wait...why is it suddenly dark—-OHMYGOD!!!!”
The press should not be grading the President based on how well he is enacting or expressing racist ideas. Nor should anyone else, for that matter, besides his speech coach or his FSB handler.
I’ve always asked, and made sure. I am of the “she comes first” school. I will not say I am good or bad, just that I tried to make her happy.
Yeah, I guessed that. Still—considering the tone-deafness of the product, the name doesn’t really help things.
No, definitely not. But testing out vagina glue seemed a little extreme.
Great, thanks! :)
First, I love that the name he chose is a variation on either “Men Says” or “Men Sees”.
I did that once too. The person using it was not amused.
“If giant squid were real, wouldn’t the LHC have found them by now?”
If what Kjellberg does is comedy—
Just the stills of this game bring so many questions that I can’t imagine they could possibly be answered in a satisfactory way.
Also liberal and atheist here, and the easiest way to deal with fuckheads like him is not to watch. Just like Trump and Milo, he feeds on the attention.
I’ve tried to replay it, but the PC controls are crap compared to the 360 (or I’m more aware of it). And damn is the first one slow....More like Law & Order: Citidel.
Aaaaaaand...there’s my new word for the day: giggledick. I probably won’t be posting about it to my friends.
or he is suffering from some sort of mild cognitive impairment.
“Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.”