Sounds about in line with what female rapists get.
lol cute rape talk
Because trapping men for cash never happens, amirite? All I'm offering is an anecdote, but I am curious to see some of the more detailed results surrounding this issue. But by all means, push your misandry for the world to see.
I don't know the entire background. What I do know is that she was supposedly on birth control and was very much against having kids, and he was using condoms. When she got pregnant, she suddenly changed her tune and decided to keep it, and would not budge even after long discussions.
...because the predatory white trash didn't get my best friend on the hook for 18+ years? Seemed relevant to me, anyway.
I'm not entirely sure. She was supposedly on birth control, but he used condoms as well.
I would be interested to see what the earning powers of the fathers are. My best friend was trapped by a high school drop out looking for a meal ticket, but he has full custody now.
Yes, rape is bad and shouldn't be ignored, wether the victim is male or female. Did anyone say anything different?
I'm glad you're spreading awareness about male rape. You wouldn't believe how often ignorant men laugh with disbelief when I talk about men getting raped. They think it is a hilarious impossibility, for example, "A guy can't be raped because he wouldn't have a boner if he didn't want to have sex." It's like they are…
Thing is, not everyone is equally horrified by such lenient sentencing. Just the other day I had a commenter here trying to tell me that it's totally made-up and not a thing that ever happens, despite being shown several specific examples of women being sentenced to zero prison time as well as studies showing the wide…