And excludes rape by envelopment. Jesus tittyfucking Christ, it's right there and you seem to have missed it.
And excludes rape by envelopment. Jesus tittyfucking Christ, it's right there and you seem to have missed it.
The links I provided you are sourced with quotes and sources that can be verified.
1 In 6 men, actually. If you are using RAINN as a source, note that their definition of rape does not include being forced to penetrate another, which erases the vast majority of male victims.
That isn't an MRA website. That said, facts are facts, and hating the source does not change the facts.
Right side, second from bottom.
Right side, second from the bottom.
That would be true if women were either a minority or an oppressed group. Furthermore, black people very much dislike being used in such comparisons, especially by bigots.
Feminists define rape culture as a culture that tolerates and supports rape. Rape of women is neither tolerated or supported. In fact, it is a crime, and even men who are found not guilty in court may be beaten or murdered.
So defending rape jokes makes you complicit in rape.
You aren't addressing my point. Can you show me some examples of female rapists being treated in the same extreme manner as male rapists?
Men have been beaten and murdered at the mere suggestion that they are rapists. Can you think of a single instance of a woman rapist getting this same treatment?
Can I put you in it afterward?
First of all, defending rape jokes is not defending rape. Second, I asked if it was a joke or not. Chill the fuck out son.
You're close, but still off the mark. Our culture does support rape, just not rape of women.
Cite where I have ever defended rape.
Hell, I'd love to have it. That's an actual historical artifact if its the real deal. Plus, there's no treasure like evil people treasure. It could even be cursed.
Oh, you mean the facts that the other person couldn't back up? Such as proof that the definition of rape that RAINN uses includes being forced to penetrate?
And that about sums up your arguments in this thread.