
At the time of telling these experiences was Hillary ducking any sniper fire like Bosnia?

This may surprise you but 99% of people probably don’t care about what other people look like at the gym. When I see a person at a gym who is overweight my first thought is, “Good for them. Great to see them in the gym and making an effort to improve their health.”

You find it sad that people feel like they participated in the election through their support of their candidate and the candidate won? If Hillary won and people said, “We did it!” would you find that sad as well?

They say there’s racism in America, yet we’ve had a black president for 8 years.

I’m more surprised that the kid who should’ve received 3rd place wouldn’t say something. You would think that when they’re announcing the place and reviewing it after the race the kid who should’ve been in 3rd would speak up and complain. Why wouldn’t the other runners who were in the front of the pack bring it up and

That looks more like the, “This guy is really good and if I make friends with his brother I have a shot at meeting and marrying an NHL player” face.

When I’m at Five Guys I wish I could ask for half as many fries for the half the amount of money. After eating a monstrous double cheese burger I don’t need an entire bag of fries. It’s too much and more than I can eat.

Every Correct the Record reply looks exactly like this. Change your script. HRC is a liar, a cheat, and a criminal. When the 33,000 emails are released we’ll all know EXACTLY what she was hiding.

The color of the costume matches the skin tone of the character. It’s that simple. If they would’ve made the costume a lighter color to match white skin there would’ve been an article about how Disney is whitewashing.

Gawker was sued into oblivion. When the Gawker properties were purchased was shut down. Somehow the people who write articles here can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that people don’t want crap...especially on a technology focused blog.

No idea why Eric did that but here’s a better comparison and it’s absolutely accurate.

I had to check the link to see if this was Jezebel.

Now playing

Also I tend to prefer being referred to as a woman…on account of being one.

This is impressive but at the same time something tells me that if another professional skier practiced this for a few weeks or a month they could crush this record. It took this guy 3 days of practice so imagine if he had a month of practice.

I can’t stop thinking about the center console. The geek in me is totally drooling. I’ve dreamed about a car dash like that since I was a little kid watching TV and movies about the future.


According to the website of Fundación Secretariado Gitano (“Gitano Secretariat Foundation”), in the Spanish prison system the Spanish Romani women represent 25% of the incarcerated feminine population, while Spanish Romani people represent 1.4% of the total Spanish population. 64% of the detentions of gitano people

One thing that always drove me nuts was Battlestar Galactica using the word frak instead of fuck. What annoyed me wasn’t the word frak but that it seemed to be their ONLY curse word. At a certain point they would use frak so often that it was like the Smurfs. Everyting was smurfy, something got smurfed. Couldn’t

I consider myself to be a little bit of a snobby film viewer even to the point that I refuse to watch films that I think will be horrible. For some reason though, it might’ve been some of the reviews, I decided to watch Crank. I have to admit I absolutely loved it and enjoyed Crank II just as much as the first if not

A friend of mine was an extra on one of his films. She’s 5'7" and said when she stood near him he was AT LEAST 2-3 inches shorter than her. I think 5'5" or 5'6" is about right.