
Yes. We want people to support companies that make competing companies? It’s what will drive companies like GoPro to make better features, better products, and more competitive pricing. It’s like saying, “Do we want to encourage people to consider phones other than Apple?”

Yes. We want people to support companies that make competing companies? It’s what will drive companies like GoPro to

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If you enjoyed that commercial I would HIGHLY recommend “Mike Tyson Mysteries” on Adult Swim.

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It’s probably worth posting the trailer which provides a good glimpse of what the film is about.

Cap was frozen and that’s how he got to modern day. How does Wonder Woman get to the modern day from WWI? Does she not age? Is she frozen too like Cap? Time machine? I haven’t heard anything about this.


Hollywood CAN come up with this but it’s easier for them to recycle known characters because it’s more recognizableto the audience which helps at the box office. People will go see the latest X-Men movie but will they go see a werebear? It’s the same with videogames. For the videogame industry it’s very risky for them

Entirely possible although I think it would be tough for him to walk out and tweet something like “I enjoyed it” or equally broad.

As much as I like Patton and appreciate his opinions you also have to keep in mind that Patton is an actor in Hollywood who was a VIP at an event he was specially invited to by a HUGE Hollywood director. Patton likes to work. He likes to make money. Walking out and saying something negative is like having dinner at a

The reason people are citing 5 months is because 5 months ago he was out in public wearing a black t-shirt and leather jacket. Both the jacket and t-shirt were relatively short. They rode up on his back about 6 inches revealing the bottom of what looked like a piece of a much larger tattoo. Now we know what that

The “storage shed” is his garage and on the left is his house. The garage is seperate from the house.

I got a very Marvel “big popcorn movie” vibe. Lots of explosions, lots of CGI, and one-liners. I thought the CGI looked terrible. I know people will say that the film isn’t finished and it will look better when released but I’ve heard that before and that never seems to hold true. The film seems like a mess...based on

Hah! Never thought of that. Maybe he’s an open world sandbox guy. I’d guess GTA V is his favorite game and he loves dropping by the strip club every day to check on his ladies. =)

Now I’m intrigued. I’d love to know what games he sits around playing all day. Does he play PS4 or XBox One? No way is he a PC gamer buying games on Steam. Does he play online? I have to imagine that as a very competitive person he’s playing a lot of multiplayer online games. Is HALO 5 his thing or does he play Madden

Women’s rights or modern-day racism isn’t even remotely on the same level. It’s miles apart. A more appropriate analogy would be someone wanting to be a professional bowler or pool player. They are very non-traditional and very niche ways of making money competitively.

I’m starting to feel the same about Duncan(Sci-Fi) as I feel about Guillermo del Toro(Fantasy). They each release some very unique and beautiful films. I think Duncan is going to make a fantastic Sci-Fi movie. Very excited!

I don’t remember the last time I’ve been so pleasantly surprised by a truly amazing promo. If this is any indication of the movie I expect the movie to ABSOLUTELY KILL IT. Hell. After watching this promo I started to get an almost “The Office” type of mockumentary vibe. I could see this as an insanely good HBO series.

You’ll never win over people who reject a cartoon immediately based solely on the “art direction” and animation.

That’s what was so cool about Brave and the Bold. It could go from episodes of comedy, camp, and crazy musicals to serious stuff like Joe Chill and Batman’s decision on how to handle him. I watched Brave and the Bold with my 5 year old at the time and we both loved it. Diedrich Bader was excellent too!

I wish the same. The problem was twofold- 1) MS totally bungled the announcement and positioned the feature terribly. Rather than people looking at it as an advantage(which it was) it created a backlash. 2) A bunch of terribly immature gamers who have a complete inability to look at features rationally.