
Huge monsters taking over the world? Bring it on!

True story: I played this for 6 hours straight last night and watched an entire season of archer on my second monitor while playing.

Its set up to do a campaign story (with missions, even, I believe, though I'm not sure of that) through the multiplayer matches themselves

Depending on your taste in books, I personally think it was amazing!

The book is very good but is a LOT different than the movie tonally. The book is more about a military controlled totalitarian system of gov't and it goes into great lengths about the power armor they wear. The movie glossed over most of the politics behind their world and put the soldiers in BMX reject armor.

I rarely even have to use that. My main programs are pinned to the taskbar. The rest are on the first page of the start menu. All my games are on my desktop or part of Steam/Origin.

But this guy doesn't just look like a mere shadow, he looks more like a badass alternate link-figure.

Thanks for re-opening the Starcraft: Ghost wound in my heart.

"Open-world" is being thrown around alot lately, sometimes it doesn't even mean what its supposed to mean.

I'm still trying to get rid of these damned tulip many rocks would you give me?

Well partially, with the power company, I was a large 'green invester' before bitcoins ever existed and was one of them dudes that had solar panels all over the roof and yard and things. I had generated a lot of extra electricity that the power company had to buy from me, but now I use that power my equipment. Even

Technology had some legitimate advances due to the desire to create and distribute porn after all. It's not a joke. It's a real positive aspect of porn and technology.

I have two monitors so while I'm playing a game I often have a youtube video or game stream playing on the other one. When I was growing up I had 2 monitors stacked and would play NES/SNES while watching TV. I like it.

I'm gonna go with Nextfully Current Gen.

If you enjoy playing games I don't see how you can't be excited by titanfall unless you can't afford a machine that plays it and need to justify that with a separate reason.

There are a number of reasons this doesn't really infringe upon Nintendo's best interest, and the PM team has made sure to address it very publicly. They won't add a single character new to Smash 4 into PM, and are just tweaking the game rather than making something new, and they're also not selling it. Obviously

Eh', makes sense.

How it works is they give you one character free. That character rotates peridoically. The first is Jago. Each additional character, should you chose to buy them individually, costs $5. The full game(The initial roster of six and the remaining two DLC characters) costs $20. The special edition costs $40, giving you

WTF are you even talking about? That's not how Windows programs work. You can keep IE installed, and so long as you're not using it, it will not eat away at your performance.