
I use the new IE at work and it's a great browser, but the stigma of IE is still strong. Never thought that they would resort to magical girl anime in order to dispel that stigma though...

So what you're suggesting is that they should refrain from talking about MS stuff that shows up because it's related to Microsoft?

As long as publishers will want to make their games run on both current gen and next gen, such comparisons will not be relevant to what next gen is truly capable of.

I imagine people care because when deciding which console to spend $400-500 on, one important question is "which of these will have the best-performing multiplatform games in 5 years?"

Yeah, if Eren were in charge I'd be really afraid that we're all about to die. I'd much rather follow Armin's orders than anyone else.

1. Start match

It's a dedicated, regularly updated hardware platform that's already connected to your television. It's the perfect candidate for using programs like Netflix/Hulu.

In the case of the Wii-U, (where I watch netflix), it's simply because it has the best netflix app that I've ever seen, bar none. Why on earth would they make you pay to use Netflix? A service you're already paying for? The answer is because they can.

Netflix and Hulu Plus work far better for me through my PS3 than they do through my Roku. Probably better caching.


Trying to find the right words to describe it...

In some cases a 60fps framerate can be kind of..."cheated" to mimic the same experience through a few programming tricks. It depends on the engine, the programmers, and what they "can or can't get away with" so to speak.

Does it really matter? I don't think anyone really plays CoD for the graphics, and most CoD fans probably won't know what the difference between 720 and 1080p is.

yep, no getting up early and scrumming with crazed black-friday shoppers now, woo. my bank balance is none too keen.

I agree. All I know is I'm going to enjoy my ps4 and I hope peoples with xbox one do the same.


This might be the dumbest argument I've ever seen anyone make at an attempt to convince people to choose a wii-u over a ps4/one. I prefer "HD Nintendo games".

Jeff Goldblum, The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Well-played sir

They didn't discontinue the Zune ecosystem at all. They changed the branding to call it Xbox Music and Xbox Video.

I have a ton of purchases from Zune. A ton of music, a lot of TV shows and movies, and even music videos. I still have access to all of them, even the stuff I bought about 5 years ago.

Sounds like something

So what's to stop Sony from doing any of this as well? What, because they said they're not going to? All Sony has done is wait to see how MS announcements go and then announce their policy based on that to look good in the eyes of the gamer. Sony could just as easily fuck over their user base in a year or so. The only