
Cuphead isn’t an open source game, there is no way they had the source files from which to rebuild anything. They would have to have manually ripped assets from the compiled PC files and then built everything else from scratch.

I don’t think you understand that there is just no copy/paste button on games or their assets. The time required to rip the sprites, cutscenes, menus, etc and reconstruct them in an even mildly playable mobile form with the overworld and everything is astounding vs whatever small payout they may have received.

Amazing that someone would spend so much time making something that will be taken down immediately.

This is what always gets me about tinyBuild and the kind of games they choose to publish. They go and very publicly butt heads with the likes of G2A (which is neither here nor there depending on who you ask), but then the games they’re proud to release like this, Mr. Shifty, Community Inc, Phantom Trigger, et al. are

I really wish they’d just consolidate all of their efforts onto the Switch already. Samus Returns was good and all but I’m much happier only bringing one console around with me.

Seriously though, why announce a date-move on a game we don’t even know about?


Unlike a lot of people I very much enjoyed the first Titanfall multiplayer but just couldn’t get into the second one. I ended up missing some of the changed mechanics and being overwhelmed by all of the additions.

They’re definitely dipping into the whole multiple resources and premium currency thing even more aggressively than in their previous mobile games. The sleaze is certainly starting to creep in, which is sad to see Nintendo stooping to for sure.

Only nine?!? My goodness I’m glad I’m still happily playing Black Ops 3. Hopefully Treyarch is able to resist the Activision factor enough for their next entry to be more palatable and less exploitative.

Aaaannnndddd it will be Goose Simulator because let’s still name everything Simulator.

Sony Pictures Animation has made some great movies with Aardman as well as their earlier movies, but you’re right that they’re stagnating something fierce.

There’s nothing saying they have to make a movie with a western studio, so I’m saying they shouldn’t.

NOnononononononono. Illumination is the worst large-scale animation company in the western world right now.

Well that lasted all of 30 seconds -_-

Now the most down-voted comment in Reddit history.

The plural of Xbox One X is Pokemon

Huh? Might be a spoiler, but there is a large arcade Donkey Kong contingent to the playthrough of New Donk City.

You mean if the y-axis is right you won’t play.

“An expressed goal of McDonald’s is to render bodega unnecessary.”