
It has PR contact info the general public is not meant to be privy to and in general the PR companies ask media outlets to only use the information instead of linking to the pages.

Probably shouldn’t have linked directly to the press info page...

I really liked the battle system as the game wasn’t really geared towards JRPG fans who want to fight bosses with 10 million HP, but rather fans of the franchise who want to experience the world, humour and story.

Articuno is my favourite Pokemon, so there is no other choice for me.

I can and I will!

In spite of the title I was expecting for a turning point where they decided to rework the game to be playable without a Kinect — maybe port it to PS4 and use Move or the touchpad. Guess not though, oh well.

BoxBoxBoxBoy: This Time it’s Boxtreme

Call of Duty for example doesn’t subtract levels for poor performance. I think in objective-oriented games like TF2 particularly, losing ranks is especially ill-advised as your rank is beholden to the quality of the teams that you’re randomly matched with.

Seems like they’re mirroring a lot of what Overwatch incorporated, I’m still not a fan of the possibility of ranking down though — you would think that they would have nixed that after all of the Overwatch controversies.

It’s been over in my heart since the end of the Aizen arc anyways

Kinda shady that a dealership’s PR people aren’t paying for stock images and just lifting them from .info sites

Now playing

The MPOW speaker has pretty good sound quality:

The MPOW speaker has pretty good sound quality:

It always kinda peeves me at how many kids there randomly are when they’re so uptight about the 17 year age restriction with everyone else

This is why you make appointments with your Nintendo rep to be able to go upstairs and not have to wait in stupid huge lines.

I think it was pretty obviously malicious on the ESA’s part. I’ve seen that lot used for a lot of different things during E3 before, but never “fence-like trailer storage”

A thousand times this. I hope you can toggle off her constant jabbering.

Sony busted open my wallet with this. Gaben, forgive me but STAR WARRRSSSS!

I have a friend that has kikkoman and sriracha costumes he’s been alternating between for years.

No overall verdict?