Dunno. Looked at the panel, looked around and saw the sticks, lined ‘em up. I had already done the shadow puzzles by then so that may have helped.
Dunno. Looked at the panel, looked around and saw the sticks, lined ‘em up. I had already done the shadow puzzles by then so that may have helped.
I got through the branch trick immediately but have had terrible times with many of the other puzzles
Oh there are much, much, much cheaper puzzles. Definitely beware if you had troubles with that one.
Do we want to talk about how misery and insane it is of them to put strong weapons in their RNG-based supply drops in Black Ops 3 yet? Activision is not doing well on the sanity scale lately
Articuno is the coolest of the legendary birds, hands down.
Imagine what they could do if they put that effort into a job or something :O
I don’t know if I can support his vision for an America without pancakes.
The following song is brought to you by Columbus Nova:
Better luck next time everyone! I hope the Molydeux Twitter posts a retraction of the retraction at some point.
Yep, sounds exactly like Nintendo. “Thanks for helping us out, now eat shit and we’ll never speak of this again.” Basically what comes from companies that have no visitor’s centers at their HQs.
I suppose it literally *looks* more like that because of subs and stuff but ITSP was one of the original floaty metroidvanias is what I suppose I was getting at. Also didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to lament my save file.
Cool, looks a little like Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (that I played on PC until clearing my Flash cookies erased my 75% complete save file permanently because it doesn’t save your progress locally). I’ll probably give this one a go, though.
Partly because no matter how many times they replace voice actors and sew new appendages onto it it’s still a wholly dissatisfying experience if you just want to play single player and experience a story of some sort.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
I was disappointed by New Vegas from a technical standpoint. That engine was so janky by then that I had trouble looking at that game even when it was brand new.
Even though it’s Pokemon-level there’s still shadow pop-in. -_-
Who’d have thought that Snoop would steal Reverend Burn’s schtick.
A review without a verdict of any kind is just an essay and I don’t read reviews for haughty dissertations, I read them to see whether or not the product was enjoyed by the reviewer. Since this is now being moved even further into the realm of nebulousness I guess I’ll just have to read actual reviews elsewhere now.
Hahahahahaha. Nope.
Son, I am dissapoint.