
A classic "Sim" game isn't simulation in the same way that modern racing/flying/farming simulation games are. It's more like a "management" game than a simulation game, if it was really trying to precisely emulate real-world prisons then things like the graphics and mechanics would naturally follow suit.

If you want

Hmm, I'm not seeing the triangle, but thanks for the info.

Yeah, I noticed the DinoPark typo, but couldn't figure out how/if I could correct it. The Prison Architect game isn't about America's current imprisonment fetish at all, it's a game about managing a prison.

It's not OK that Chess and Risk oversimplify the huge issue of war into games either, I suppose.

Nnnnnnnope, It is just a game. No one should expect "realism" or "a responsible social model" from this game any more-so than from Dinosaur Tycoon. I don't care what you're a professor of, sir, you should maybe ride a horse with shorter stilts on.

If Nintendo can't get out of its current funk I could definitely see Disney expanding its evil empire and buying Nintendo.

Oh noes! I didn't know Jesus jumped ship!

...left the blood out of Mortal Kombat... ...seemed to actively avoid getting a Grand Theft Auto... ...expressed little more than vague interest in online gaming... ...gave Zelda cartoon graphics... ...stopped working with the blockbuster-making Rare... ...required Friend Codes... ...released handheld after handheld


Black and orange is the new blue and orange!

True, a dev team can still very well spend years of their lives on something that turns out to be crap. It's not our job to like the Duke Nukem Forevers in the industry, it's the industry's job to make sure that they don't happen. People are well within their rights to criticize such games just, you know, sanely.

It's the Year of Luigi...'s vengeance!

Works like PS4 Remote Play with Vita "works", or actually works? I have an ideal network setup for Remote Play, but I can't get it to connect well enough to play anything except Resogun within about 5 feet of the PS4 console and router.

That fat-bashing MoFo in the comments section is so distracting. -_-

Anything Madoka is depressing now since the release of the third movie : /

Is "Phelpsing" the new planking?

RPG? Sky? : O

The JonTron cameo at the end was pretty sweet.

They've been waffling about it, I'm hoping justice will prevail.

My Nintendo Wii U videos that got hit are still in limbo : /