
No more unsightly hood line?

College or Cobra... Coblege or Cobra... Cobrege or Cobra... Cobrage or Cobra... Cobra or Cobra.

Is that really a save in the GT-R? He just spins out and then presumably sits there and clenches...

On the list of things that would of faired far better:

yeah, don't worry about turning it off, im sure that clear liquid pouring out of the back is fine, hey everyone come over and see this!

Some of those sites did initially mention an "unusual" request for a change in the flight plan... turns out it was to avoid the bad weather. So there's that.

The terrible audio was giving me a headache. Had to watch this on mute.

it's like a video game with the AL difficulty set to beginner.

jump to conclusions you say?

Get Chrome, if you don't already have it.

Generally when Top Gear goes anywhere they joke about the country, but end up showing that in reality it's a great place, with great people. Look at the Iraq one, I would have legitimately loved to visit the areas they went to after having seen that. The same with the Burma, and Bolivia ones.. All this one has done,

.....So uh.......I think......I think we need to have a chat *do* know that top gear has always been immature, right? And that "british humor" entails that sort of "We're better than you (but really we're the same or worse)" attitude, right? Nothing about top gear should be a surprise to you by now. If

"To protect the safety and well-being of all tournament participants it is necessary to ensure that all political statements and or protests are kept away from this tournament," wrote Walker, who said she was speaking on behalf of the athletic director and the Fort Bragg school superintendent.

"Am I in?"

You know what? This will decimate all, after, you put about fifteen grand in it or more. If we have to, overnight parts from Japan.

I sense that the hood will no longer fit like it did by the lack of hood on pictures, which is a shame as otherwise this would be very sweet.

number plate was probably "H982 FKL"

Trying to imagine calling the insurance broker to add it to the policy.

People will hate on me for dating this but if I had one it would be trailered from one track to the next. I'd be terrified to drive it on the street.

Of course gas gets cheap when I finally get a more fuel efficient daily driver and my premium swilling 440 Dart is down for a drivetrain refresh this winter.