
It's parody of a public figure... although the poses do look like a mirror image.

Argentina lost the war.

"Yep, that's a poop. Ok, I'll take the case."

Priest collars. Don't judge me. The Thornbirds was really seminal (heh) in my life.

fucking right on man! i dont care if they dont seem the same if they are bigger up top or what ever you guys with too much time on your hands are whining about, its a fucking turtles movie, get your heads out your ass and move on guys, just be grateful that there is a TMNT movie being released 24 years after the

Christ people, give this movie a chance! Let's just wait till we have better screens and quality footage to work with. For now i personaly like how they changed the looks of the Turtles. Who are voicing the guys anyway?..

I'm 31 this year, and as much as I dislike Micheal Bay, I refuse to be a part of this jaded community that will shit on every reboot because the reigning child-mind is locked in "the perfect era" of all things creative. The size of the turtles is a creative decision. They are still teenage, mutant and ninjas.

I once had a sign that said "Creative minds are rarely tidy."

Have you thought about starting a Tumblr/blog that merges your interests and your travel? I have one inventorying the fountains of New York City, but when I travel I shoot the fountains of wherever I am, too. I always have a destination wherever I am when I'm feeling restless, and then when I'm mellow I can

The ones that aren't made by companies named after fruit.

Or just fire off a couple of warning shots into the air, they'll soon scatter.