Also, walking upwards along the outside of the Citadel tower towards a menacingly undulating and tentacled Sovereign perched atop it is still one of my favorite video game memories.
Also, walking upwards along the outside of the Citadel tower towards a menacingly undulating and tentacled Sovereign perched atop it is still one of my favorite video game memories.
I can kiiiinda see why people are saying “Wait you kickstarted the first game and it was a success, why do you need to crowdfund again?!” and why they said the same thing about Banner Saga, but on the other hand, now we KNOW both companies have a good track record of actually taking the crowdfunded money and releasing…
Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.
That had all the grace, aim, and longevity of my first time, too.
One of the best games ever.
Bloodborne lore contains a group known as the Tomb Prospectors, who explore the labyrinth dungeon on behalf of the…
Well, I had a (dude) friend who thought that girls peed from their buttholes well into his teens.
The cosplay itself isn’t “eww”. It’s fantastic, with a surprising amount of detail! But there’s just something gross…
There’s a mating dance first:
I’ll be deep in the cold, cold earth before I recognize Missoura!
You mean he couldn’t even identify Gowron as the leader of the Klingon High Council?
Boston Dynamics have figured this out.
God bless the people that make these things
I’m a Christian (I go to a Presbyterian church), and I consider myself very strong in my faith.
I love it every time that you post. You get a lot of really awful responses sometimes, but you have actual information and it’s a wonderful treat whenever you share your perspective. Thank you, and please don’t stop.
Because if you screw it up halfway through, like I did, you’ve wasted the better part of a day, a day you won’t get back.
For all its critical acclaim, Bloodborne doesn’t seem to be a big hit on the cosplay scene. So nice job, Walrider,…