
I long for the days when your ex would just fade away into memory and there weren't so many tools available to let you track them down some random, lonely/boring/drunk Saturday night.

I wonder if LTE falls under FRAND considering it is the industry standard for 4G.

Damn you! Beat me to it!

While I'm most certainly rooting for these guys, I find this whole situation silly considering you can download a "universal" app such as Skype and easily enjoy video chat with your friends regardless of platform or carrier.

Ok this is creepy, I literally stumbled on this a few days ago and watched it for the first time since I was 8! What made you dig up this old gem?

My God, people talk sooooo much on Twitter! It's like a virtual soapbox.

Thank you, I agree! Not to mention wealthy people actually stimulate the economy more than you and I ever could when they buy their "frivolous" things and thus give people jobs.

Happy to see they're finally adding features that smartphone owners have been enjoying for years. Now just give me a built-in wireless radio trigger or a trigger that's compatible with it's wifi connection and we'll be golden.

It really boggles the mind at 2:10 when you see the sky from that point of view. It looks like any desert you'd see on Earth and I'd swear you could actually survive without any protection.

If you'll recall, you fired first with your accusations of calling me a child and a "STUPID NIT". I purposely called you "honey" to be as condescending as you were to me in your original reply.

Seems to work for Final Fantasy. I'm surprised the iPhone 4S wasn't called "iPhone IV-2"!

Scumbag Sun blasts solar flares at the Earth so your call fails right when your gf tells you she's pregnant.

What if the spool where the wires retracted had a built in clip to attach to your shirt, it wouldn't be terribly different from earphones with a built in remote.

You're missing the message. The fact that a man has taken the helm and chooses to fight Alongside women in their goal for equality speaks volumes to his commitment. I really hope you're just bored and trolling just for kicks (I've been there plenty of times).

Are you referring to the one where Zoidberg tries to find a mate?

Thank You! I can't help but feel this happens far too often on this site!

Seriously, what were her teammates names?? I forget she had teammates sometimes :P

True, but you'd never know who to look for if it weren't for the labels footing the initial costs in marketing the artist.

I find them blurring out the Apple logo as redundant as blurring out a lady's va jj in porn. Now I know this is definitely from China :P