
The easiest way I notice this is when I listen to my favorite song during an adrenaline rush (like during running). Because I know every facet of the song, I often pick up on the play speed appearing to sound slightly slower as if it were being played at 0.9x speed instead of 1x. It throws off my rhythm at times.

You obviously know nothing about politicians ;D

Ugh! Women!

True, but I think s/he meant the problem is everyone thinks their service is automatically considered exceptional.

Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. – Sherlock Holmes

If we could ignore morals for a moment for the sake of argument, it's really all different means to the same end.

But a proposal isn't supposed to be a spectacle. It's supposed to be the beginning of a partnership.

I'm completely against this sort of behavior, but I'm not at all surprised considering many companies (especially clothing, makeup and fitness) view their employees as walking advertisements for what kind of culture and appearance they want their customers to think their business lives by, it's all marketing to them.

Well in Kanye's defense, wasn't there a Jezebel article asking the same question fairly recently (can't find the story to link)?

That's why it's so important to actually read the reviews to get a feel for each person doing the reviewing instead of just going off a rating, especially when it comes to something like a bar or nightclub.

Ah, my mistake. Carry on :)

Watch 11 Minutes Of Stunning Gameplay From Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

This must be your first Metal Gear game if you're not already familiar with cutscenes lasting longer than actual gameplay :P

I can't help but feel as though this argument would be as silly as me complaining about Jezebel's subtitle "Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women" (as if that's all women talk about :P) when there are clearly numerous men who also read and comment as well.

I don't see how people can be supportive of homosexual marriage yet against polygamy/polyandry when both essentially share the same points and counterpoints.

When people go around saying "Meh, what's a billion dollars? That's a drop in the hat." It reminds me why we're in such a shitty economy. Please don't ever run for office.

I'd say the biggest problem is being able to reply to more than one person without having to copy and paste your reply to everyone you want to read. Not only is it a hassle, but it comes off as kind of rude.

I'm not surprised marriage is treated as a business when it's literally a financial merger between 2 people complete with it's own financial perks. There's nothing stopping 2 people from choosing to spend their lives together, yet there's this stigma in our society that says you'll never truly "make it" unless you

So I guess we were right all along in high school when we retired giving "head" and went with giving "brain"... it's since been changed to giving "neck".

In the end it just boils down to luck. You have to hope that you're insignificant enough that hackers will pass you over and think you have nothing of value because anything can be cracked/broken into if the right person with the right set of tools wants in bad enough.