
Amen. I've just recently been ruminating over how masterful a game Lords of Shadow really was. As a Castlevania fan, I was alittle disappointed at first, and I still take issue with afew of the control choices . . . but in the end, I really believe the game to be one of the generation's best. The game is entirely

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "pick-and-play" game or not . . . but I usually recommend Animal Crossing as a good transitory game for people looking to get into more complex stuff. The game is obviously simple but it teaches afew fundamental skills that are lacking from simpler side-scrollers, puzzlers, and

Hell yeah. I loved the NGPC. You've gotta locate a copy of Biomotor Unitron. Great dungeon crawler RPG with customizable mechs.

You're thinking of "Prisoners of Love," and yes, anyone's gotta experience the Ice King before dismissing Adventure Time outright. His dialogue, as well as Jake's, are what really make the show for me.

Less a prediction than a sincere wish. New 3DS model please.

Yeah, RPGs for the PS1 can get super pricey. I was really surprised to see that Brigandine was going for $100+ as well.

That edition comes with the same content, as my American "Mired in Student Debt and doesn't make enough money to move out of his parents house edition." For around $20 you get a copy of the Game of the Year Edition of the first game that has a handwritten (by you) post-it note with "2" on it stuck to the upper

I was going to make a comment to a similar effect. The statement needs to evolve into "Straight While Male who meets Society's physical ideal of beauty, fitness and capability."

Yeah, I've heard similar complaints about that game. I still think Namco X Capcom had some merit though. The spritework was just so awesome. My hope is that given the handheld nature of X Zone, the battles will be considerably less drawn out.

Wizard all the way. I'm loving the genuine feeling of impact my spells have when they hit. I feel so powerful at level 11, I cannot imagine what I'm going to feel like at 60.

I feel that way in regards to buying "complete" or "game of the year editions." I bought Arkham City for $29.99 one day, and thought I was king of the world, then the version with all the DLC was announced like 2 weeks later . . . and I feel like an imbecile. I know I'm gonna end up buying Skyrim again too. These

I recommend checking out Vindictus. Afew of my die-hard Phantasy Star Online pals and I had alot of fun with it alittle while back. And it is "free-to-play" in the sense that there's no monthly subscription.

I would lose my mind if I could watch the last season of Yu-Yu Hakusho again. That show is/was amazing.

Without DBZ, it's only Toonami in name.

Oooooooh I forgot about Brave. That's gonna be a treat.

My friends are the same way too. It's a shame, but I definitely have to play by myself to enjoy the story.

"so much of this game is unenjoyable and brutal, yet it seems to have a strange pull, to make you want to proceed"

Prometheus, and Dark Knight Rises.

So Monolith Soft has been confirmed as the developer for Project X Zone. Everyone who tried to argue with me that "there's no way that's happening because Monolith is now owned by Ninendo," despite the game demonstrating clear Monolith style, and showcasing a battle system derived from Monolith's previous crossover

For me, it's gotta be Filgaia from the Wild Arms series. A world that is a bizarre combination of traditional fantasy and the American old West seems like it was custom tailored just for me. The line between magic and technology constantly blurs in Filgaia, and I am all about that. Furthermore, there's always a