That map makes me all tingly in the pants for Dead Rising 2.
That map makes me all tingly in the pants for Dead Rising 2.
"You know what it could be? Past life experiences intruding on present time."
This is, like, the most un-Nintendo-like thing ever.
Basically, they went from cheesy but slightly awesome SNES era box art to lame, generic modern day h4rdc0r3 shooter generic box art.
Congratulations, Sony. You only had to spend away all the money you made during the PS1 and PS2 era to do it! Huge success!
It would be exceptionally stupid to release Zelda in Japan first. The Japanese aren't particularly interested in Zelda compared to Americans in particular. That's just like asking the western media to start pondering "why Zelda isn't popular anymore" just before it's release when it doesn't sell gangbusters in…
It's completely illogical, but having a mode called God Hard makes me want this game so very, very badly. I don't like shooters at all, but I LOOOOVE God Hand. It was pretty much the only game I played from early 2007-late 2008 :D
Have the shown the Tekken version of this game off yet?
This is my most wanted game for the year! I've wanted a new DKC game since 2 came out (3 was an abomination and is not to be spoken of in polite company), so I'm finally getting my wish after, what? 15 years I think?
I'll root for Donkey Kong, if only because The Hulk has been unreadable in the comics for the better part of a decade now.
I had fleas on my cats a few years ago. It sucked. I ended up getting this veterinary approved medicine that you out on their backs. I vacuumed the hell out of my apartment and whatever fleas were left ended up dying when they tried to suck the cats' blood.
I never have a problem with Kirby games being so ridiculously easy. It makes them seem like a nice little diversion, more than anything. They're games I'm guaranteed to beat and, because of that, personally feel like I got my money's worth from it.
"A good script, good actors and a good director do. District 9 proved that."
You all have fun with your fancy pants Star Craft II game there. I hope you all find it worthy of this media firestorm.
Within the next 72 hours I expect to see at least ONE photo of some dude's penis made to look like this new pokemon by coloring on it with markers and possibly using Popsicle sticks.
Technically, I'm making "non-commercial videos" of all the movies I rent from Netflix and make copies of, so... HOORAY!