This. Utter simplicity and convenience. This is the way PC demos are moving and I can see all demos using this method in the future.
I too am curious if that is even possible. Anyone with a 4S care to enlighten us?
GLaDOSiri for life.
How would you know that for sure?
I'm sorry but i can't stop laughing. I wasn't sure what to expect. You are amazing.
Why fix what isn't broken? Unless it is a better change there is no excuse for this.
So basically you're saying it is Modern Warfare 2.5
Just imagine it in motion though. I'm sure it can warrant a buy.
You sir are an ungrateful SOB.
Alright, I've been baring through this bast two months with the 3G. I admit I was very underwhelmed by the 4S, but I still need an upgrade and I feel like throwing down $200 for this is not a big deal considering the jump from 3G to 4S.
Is there no posibility that this is a cover for Apple to divert attention to the iPhone 5 which they secretly could still announce?
I have an iPhone 3G. Do I have your approval to upgrade? My patience is begging you.
Maybe they didn't prepare for the massive turnout of people jumping online? And thus they will now have more servers in preparation of the release.
Strange, I still don't see it available anywhere on the marketplace. Am I missing something?
So is that what the kids are calling it these days..
I wanted him to taser the camera guy because he wouldn't freaking shut up.
I highly doubt it will be a 4.2" display. Most likely 4" at the max.
Seeing the first comment I just knew I'd see Reggie in here somewhere. :D Count me in!