
It's essentially an effect that blurs out portions of an image in order to highlight and focus more on other certain parts of it.

My first thought as well. I'd say we have good taste.

Somewhat disappointed. Looks like a game I would have played in 2005.

How many apps have you developed that are bringing you in $25-35 a day?

Notice how the enemies all sound basically the same too. It's kind of cheap of them to do such recycling.

This is a brilliant post. I love you! Haha

You know it! The huge flat screen at the end. Made me want to go that much more. :)

If only this game was actually playable on PC without going through an endless amount of useless crap just to get the game to run. I spent $5 on the game and I still haven't gotten enough playback to warrant that price.

I'm pretty sure that is Alison Brie.

Just curious, does that $5 plan give you full streaming access on your phone? An iphone, for example.

My thoughts exactly. These guys make every serious gamer look bad. Typical nerd convention.

Just think about it..

Sorry but even that looks pretty inaccurate at times. Kinect still fails to impress.

It's always about the money. Meh.

Is the crime pretty bad out there in Suffolk County? Living here in Texas I know the cops around here start out at usually a salary of around 40k, which is much lower. I know the economy is a bit different, but that is a huge jump in pay for cops out there if what you say is true.

zack: I'd love you to explain all of the evidence we are getting that leads to it releasing in September; including this topic itself.

Awesome. I am going to attempt this with the iphone 5 so thanks for the heads up. Curious, what were you doing exactly for the five hours it took to pre-order one? Having trouble loading pages due to flooding or what?

Would it be safe to assume they are going to allow online pre-ordering for this iphone? I heard they didn't for the iphone 4.

He should have had the balls to go over and ask him.

He should have had the balls to go over and confront him.