lol its a roller derby name but go ahead and don’t take anything I say seriously because of it, I guess
lol its a roller derby name but go ahead and don’t take anything I say seriously because of it, I guess
The funny thing is that this excuse doesn’t absolve him at all. It’s not a crime to talk to a foreign leader, so it doesn’t matter if Perry asked him to make the phone call. If he’s trying to claim that Perry asked for him to extort Ukraine over election interference, that means Trump is so susceptible to suggestion…
Just gonna drop in to say, please don’t attack this program just because of this guy, seemingly an anomaly. I’m a defense attorney in California. Mental health diversion is a relatively new law but already benefits a lot of people, who need help rather than jail time. Most of my clients who have gotten it are young…
This is a change for the US, but I have had to provide banking information in order to obtain visas to travel abroad as a US citizen. Some places require you to provide airline info, travel insurance, itinerary, addresses for where you will stay, etc.
He is the greatest faux-intellectual “I have zero original ideas, but I use big words” grifter of our times. Tough list to top, but at this point, I think he’s earned it.
Can you add a trigger warning?
Maybe they were just assessing the size of the kids spleen as a precaution with all the Darnold injury in the news.
This garbage has always happened, happens now, will continue to happen until we somehow raise boys better. I doubt anyone reading this is surprised it happened but might be surprised it was actually dealt with and not brushed off as “boys will be boys”
“They opened up an investigation and suspended the season after a week? How could these simple country bumpkins, who only know football and how to till the land possibly make this kind of call so quickly? Surly, they don’t understand things like sexual assault. Why, they are most likely still startled by the daily…
“Who do I have to fuck to end this season?!” - Brian Flores
Man, Gilroy has had a rough couple months.
Nice subtle hand size reduction in the first one.
Trump is a desperate liar and will do anything to save his disgusting hide. I would love to see his William Macy/Fargo moment as he blubbers and screams while getting carted away. If there are patriots in law enforcement, they will film and release this.
Donny Twoscoops looks like a Juggalo pre-makeup in that first one.
Could there really be a more appropriate coda to the surreal insanity of the past 4+ years if Nickelback ultimately turn out to be the ones who swoop in to save America and bring about Trump’s downfall?
Carlson used to have a better grasp of the facts than Sean Hannity or Alex Jones but nativism rots your brain.
Also losing half of its staff: middle school boys who’ll no longer get the swimsuit issue.
Finally! Comic relief that we don’t have to laugh bitterly at the truth of!
My fondest memories of Rudy Ray Moore recordings was listening and then using shorthand words or phrases related to the albums that our parents didn’t know but would crack us up. Sitting around and using code for some pretty raunchy jokes right in front of your parents was a pretty hilarious experience.