Thats such a bizarre take.
Thats such a bizarre take.
Also, did Oregonians vote in the mid-terms to go back to being a whites only state?
Now that Tumblr has decided they don’t want to be in business anymore, the link to Fuck Yeah SciFi/Fantasy WOC takes you elsewhere. Screw Tumblr’s anti-queer, anti-sex worker BS. And screw FOSTA/SESTA!
That might be true if not for the fact that its not.
Cops sure seem to be able to handle white criminals, white supremacist, and white terrorists without engaging in excessive force. And they dont seem to cause much harm to white kids who are “unruly”.
I am surprised no mention was made of Superman: Deadbeat Dad. He had sex with Lois (without protection), and then...what—he never got the burds and bees talk? Its really hard to square Superman being one of the most recognizable, respected, mature superheroes in all of history not knowing where babies come from.
1. Its not like that kind of thing is new in comics.
Oh dear, another white person who does not understand that significant social, political, and economic power must be wedded to prejudice and cause large-scale, ongoing abuses of entire categories of ppl based on their race before something can be labeled ‘racist’ as academics define it. Like many of his ilk, Sullivan…
Of course you know as well as I do that even if the cops remember the 14th Amendment, they only think it applies to the only “real"American citizens: mayosapiens.
They shot him bc he ‘exhibited characteristics of an armed person’? So he carried himself like a cop? They exhibit the same characteristics. Are they saying they should shoot one another?!
Last I checked, the science supporting the benefits of Spanish Fly is not solid. At best, it may increase blood flow, but chocolate and cheese in sufficient quantities do the same.
If she is tired of the noise, she ought to move bc I hear San Fran is not a quiet city. There are plenty of small, quiet towns where a mayosapien like herself can go and be unrattled by noise whilst being around more of her bed sheet wearing friends.
Ah, the epic battles over white civil rights. They shall surely go down in history alongside the decades long struggle to recognize Straight Pride Month.
Thing is, he’s not ignorant. He knows what he’s doing. He’s doing it on purpose bc he’s a racist piece of shit.
He doesn’t deserve to be called “Mr. President”. At most, ‘Fake President’. Still, I applaud her statement, and hope she isn’t punished for hurting the feelings of Hitler Jr.
This complaint might have validity if there were inaccuracies, misleading information, false quotes, unsourced assertions held as fact, or outright lies. So far as I can tell, no one of that was the case. So what you are bemoaning is the inclusion of the writers personality into the factual, accurately reported news.…
>>I’m not one of those people who believe black people can’t be racist, because I, too, felt racism creep into my heart once when a Caucasian co-worker offered me leftover potato salad. Even though black-on-white racism technically exists, it is rarely injurious.<<
Sheriff David fucking Clarke needs to be on the list.
On her Facebook page, Janet Mock shares some very important information regarding this film and why it should not be watched. TL;DR, a white, cisgender dude made money off the back of a black trans woman who spent a very *LONG* time researching Marsha P. Johnson. She has gotten no credit and no pay, but he gets to…
It’s too much to expect them to go after the police and transform policing in this country. Nah, let’s go after the people the police victimize.