I have a fancied up Express Hemi, and love it. It's fun to upset the Mustang and Camaro owners with it since they expect it to be slow. They don't like getting beaten by a truck.
I have a fancied up Express Hemi, and love it. It's fun to upset the Mustang and Camaro owners with it since they expect it to be slow. They don't like getting beaten by a truck.
A standard cab short bed 4x2 tradesman with the bed liner removed and only the Hemi, 6 speed auto, and 3.92 gears added comes out to $22,115. This is $55.99/HP
Y'all are missing the bigger issue. Somewhere out there is a Canadian who is NOT overly polite. They are learning our ways. Learning to talk like us. Act like us. Think like us. Prepare for the Canadian Invasion.
She wanted something muscular and exciting. He wanted something small and high strung. In the end, they ended up with the dog equivalent of a used Camry. Neither person got exactly what they wanted. Is that not a compromise?
Pro tip: Use the underground parking garage behind the Compuware building. No one seems to know it exists, and it's only a few blocks from Cobo.
I'd question Detroit. It's been about a year since I've dealt with driving downtown everyday, but they were the only city with their crap together when I did. There were days when I would drive down Jefferson, and nothing would be touched until you got to Detroit. Harrison Township, St. Clair Shores, Grosse Pointe,…
I think my Xbox is confused. I had some friends over, and we were watching some stuff on the youtube app. Every time someone said "Playstation 4", the control overlay would appear and it would start listening for commands.
Note shwon: Truk ownerz. Two herd tu udnerstrant whz thet aere saleing.
Looking at it, I think the right most light seen is a reflection of the store lights. That leaves two largish rear tail lights and the license plate set lower in the rear. Not saying this is it, but similar to the Buick Lucerne below, or perhaps similar to an Intrepid or Stratus.
Edit: Thinking about it a bit more, a…
Do not judge the pasty until you have had a good one from upper Michigan. They sound weird, but taste great!
There is a guy near me that commutes daily year round in a C6 Z06. I'm in Michigan, and though our winters are not as bad as some areas, I can vouch that the guy made it around quite well in ~4" of snow (I followed him into Detroit a few times). If he can manage that in a Z06, I'm sure the new Vette can do at least as…
Game of Thrones and Settlers of Catan are pretty much banned in my group. Catan just pisses everyone off, and Game of Thrones holds the record of it being the only game where one player picked up and attempted to throw another across the room. Munchkin is close to being banned as well since we have a habit of killing…
I never knew about openxcom. Thanks for sharing!
X-Com: UFO Defense
Requesting gear changes in the manual mode still means wiggling the stick left to go down a gear and right to go up a gear. Not up and down, but left and right. Chrysler's cars have used this layout for years, but I don't think it makes much sense.
I don't see it happening. Woodward south of 8 Mile isn't as well set up for a cruise. It is more congested, has fewer gas stations, and doesn't have as many turn around areas. The road surface is pretty bad in some areas as well. Lastly, even if it were extended, I doubt many people would go since they would assume…
Autoplaying embedded video is THE DEVIL! Autoplaying embedded video that starts playing other crap after being paused for a few minutes is THE SUPER DEVIL! Y'all gonna get hexed for that crap.
Transfer all of your money into an off-shore account, find a country or island within driving distance that would not extradite you back to Germany, and go enjoy your new Porsche.
I'd love to keep my truck forever if possible. I'd like to think that by the time it gets too expensive to keep driving daily, I could take it off the road to freshen it up and turn it into a weekend toy. If times get tough and I find a sucker willing to pay more than it's worth, I may consider parting with it.
The manufacturers looked at how consumers are using their vehicles, and decided to boost the capabilities that are used most often. People that go off-roading or tow stuff usually buy a truck with different options than someone who just wants the room or capacity "just in case". For those people, off road capability…