I got talked into seeing it. My favorite part was when the lights turned on and I left.
I got talked into seeing it. My favorite part was when the lights turned on and I left.
I stopped caring about gas prices once I figured out it was cheaper than therapy. I'll gladly pay for more gas each week just to have a source of instant happiness sitting outside. It just takes one burst of full throttle to put a big stupid grin back on my face.
No. The sound of liquid dinosaurs exploding makes me happy.
I like the way you think!
Eh, maybe. Not a big fan of the LFA, but it could be fun. I'd rather drive a Sebring, PT Cruiser, or Caliber all week, and have a Viper for the weekend.
I enjoy marking all the sponsored posts I see as spam. They are usually " LOVES . Do you?". Not anymore.
I think it's role is to create pants-filling fear in our enemies. Knowing that a titanium bathtub with two screaming turbines and a 30mm gatling gun is up there waiting to kill you should make anyone rethink their decisions in life.
Thanks for the link! I need to remember that things can be fixed in post processing. I get so caught up trying to get it perfect initially that I'll skip taking a photo just because it doesn't look great through the viewfinder/screen.
The ones that are controlled by some sort of camera system thingy. We have one by my house, and any time the weather gets nasty, each direction only gets a few seconds before it's turning red again.
I think you are on to something. Seat belts and bumpers for motorcycles!
Get a nifty car and not get my butt probed and scanned by a high school drop-out? Done.
Thanks! I agree that it looks much better tweaked and offset like that. I had tried playing with the shot in photoshop a bit, but nothing I did looked very good. I'm just stepping up beyond basic point and shoot photography, so I'm trying to learn things like the rule of thirds you mentioned. I hadn't heard of it…
Great shot! I love it!
That's an awesome picture! I'd expect something like that in the top 5 compared to what was chosen. Not sure what all you did besides remove the background color, but some of the other shots sounded like they had a lot of tweaking, so I doubt it matters too much.
Thanks! I definitely like your shot of the Impreza. Not sure why neither made it in.
I'm kinda sad I didn't make the top 20. I'll just have to try harder next time!
Seems appropriate
I want to murder these people every time it happens. I really don't care to be washing ash off my vehicle daily, and the sound of cigarette butts bouncing off my front end as they get flicked out windows greatly angers me.
Lets try this again...
Since the leaves around here aren't cooperating yet, I think it might be a good day to go wash my truck and finally take some photos of it with my new camera. Hopefully I'll end up with a new favorite picture of my truck. Attached is my current favorite.