Next time some hipster in a manual Insight yells at me for killing the environment by driving my truck, I'm going to point out the auto trans and tell him to shut up because I'm the one truly working to save the world.
Next time some hipster in a manual Insight yells at me for killing the environment by driving my truck, I'm going to point out the auto trans and tell him to shut up because I'm the one truly working to save the world.
Congrats and good luck! Now that you have access to the inner workings of Gawker, please stab Nibbles if you get the chance.
I can do some looking. It's been a few years since I last dealt with them. I will warn you, it is NOT cheap. We had to get an 80gb drive recovered for a doctor, and the bill was something like $8,000 (might be a bit off, but there were several zeros). Professional recovery is a last option for data you cannot live…
You'd be surprised. I've dealt with a couple data recovery places, and they always bragged that you can do whatever you want to destroy your hard drive. As long as they can find a piece of the platter, they can pull data from it. I've never tested just how good they are, but they seemed to know their stuff.
R7: When I worked there up until last year, many of the floors were empty. The last owners did not seem interested in keeping tenants around. I think they saw them as an inconvenience.
I wouldn't be surprised if you are right about little man syndrome. I worked for a guy like this once. The guy was maybe 5' 2" and worked out all the time to look tough. He was talking about his Tahoe once, and I commented that it was an interesting color (it was a dark blue-green color. Supposedly factory, but I'd…
R1: I love the UP. It's absolutely beautiful, and has some of the friendliest people I've ever met. If they think that becoming their own state would help them, then I support it.
That's the beginners model. Once they learn to drive, they step up to this one.
Re #5: I was in Boston recently, and didn't think the roads were that bad, though the layout was a bit confusing. However, the drivers were crazy. Absolutely freaking crazy. They scared me, and I'm used to the bad drivers we have here around Detroit. If I ever go back, I'm buying something from a military surplus…
R1: Makes me wish I still worked in that building. Actually, the awesome deli on the first floor makes me wish I still worked there. The new name would just be a bonus.
Those are cute, but I prefer my Sennheiser HD580s. They may not be pretty, but they sound awesome, which is what matters most.
The first time I told someone that, it happened to be in a car that didn't have it. Stupid Impala...
Are they required to yell "Fire in the hole!" before each test?
At least you got to see it. I'm 650 miles away, and had to settle for distorted video shown on the local news channel.
Advice. Though it usually comes free with any purchase, it is usually the worst thing you can get.
Guy spins his Bentley into a parked car, and the crowd goes wild!
The first repair that ends with a police stand off and my truck on a flat bed will be the one best left to the professionals. Fortunately, swearing and tool/part throwing has gotten me through everything so far.
That's one of my favorite books!
I almost found one. It's clean an unmodified, but the ad says the owner was gonna give it a week to sell before pimping it out.