I didn't grenade the trans in my truck, and went a year without changing something on the exhaust.
I didn't grenade the trans in my truck, and went a year without changing something on the exhaust.
I didn't grenade the trans in my truck, and went a year without changing something on the exhaust.
I resolve to finally fix the exhaust on my truck, and to obtain covered storage for it.
I have a french press and a Keurig brewer. I use the Keurig more due to it's convenience, but the french press makes an appearance once in a while when I want something with flavor. The Keurig is good for those mornings when I'm not awake enough to handle any complex activities, and am too tired to care about the…
Omnis and Pintos and Impalas, oh my!
I always say mine is:
A couple years ago, I loaded OSX onto my Dell Inspiron E1405. It ran OK, and lasted about a week before I went back to Windows since things didn't work too well. After reading this article, I pulled a Dell Latitude D420 out of storage that I got from work for free, and was able to get 10.6.8 running almost perfectly…
Honda Ridgeline: N / N / Y / Y / Y (TRUCK!)
#4. That would bring about the nuclear apocalypse. People would see the bleak future awaiting us, and would choose to end it now rather than let it happen.
That's not really an extended battery. I'd rather see a jump like I have with the extended battery on my Thunderbolt. Stock is 1400mAh, and extended is 2750mAh. It went from about a day of life to 2+ depending on usage.
Dangit! This triggered MY OCD. When I see a cool car mentioned on Jalopnik, I have to search Craigslist for one.
R1: The problem is you can get a good coney, and you can get a bad coney. It's pretty hard to screw up frozen chicken strips, so people assume it's the safe option. I'm a coney person myself. Lafayette Coney Island FTW!
See the problem isn't that he couldn't fix his Audi. The problem is the Audi was an unsuccessful fix for the hovercraft he rode in on that was made out of duct tape and paper clips. The picture was taken while he was pondering where to find a Lada to fix the Audi with.
Call me when they can automate this. I love espresso, but need easy access to coffee before I'm awake enough to attempt making anything fancy. Heck, Pop Tarts can be a struggle before that first cup.
That's not a fair comparison. You need to go through a concealed carry course (and get approval from a governing body in some states) before you can carry a gun. Any idiot can go buy a cellphone. A gun also has far fewer uses in your daily activities, so it's presence it a passive one until it is needed. In most…
It's their fauilt for taking arrows to their knees. Who knew that it was an insta-kill on a Bothan?
Not a bad deal. I bought a 16gb model from a friend when they first dropped to $99. It's nice, but frustrating at times. I really like the web browser, but hate how it handles bookmarks. Now that I've installed a bunch of "fixes" from preware, it's finally getting to the point where I consider it equal to my iPad in…
big bumpers, a shiny grill, and a "'boating" sensation. Definitely a Cadillac.