

Some say he's a former racing driver,


Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

The deal with the dealership I go to is the warranty is void on the part you modify. Lift kit? No more suspension warranty. Exhaust? Same deal. Seems fair to me.

I saw a rare non-flaming version at the Woodward Dream cruise. I only saw it twice earlier in the day, so I can only assume it self-immolated later in the day.

@Travis Gohr: The crew wouldn't stop singing the "I'm on a boat" song.

@Jared904: I think you secretly hate them if you are demanding it in 1080i. It needs to be recorded in 1080p in 3D!

I still have my copy pre-ordered. Now I just need a PS3 and an HDTV.

@pmalik: That's fine. More for me!

Guys in Utah are getting excited. Apparently when drunk she has no problems using an exit as an entrance.

Someone alert the authorities. That person is in possession of weapons-grade stupid in massive quantities!

I almost exclusively listen to 101.1 WRIF here in Detroit. Drew & Mike in the morning, and random people for the ride home.

Herp derp!

Rather than going through the long and painful process of cramming this much stupid in one place, you can now purchase it prepackaged in the new 2011 X3!

As much as I dislike the UAW, when I helped setup a couple classrooms at the local UAW halls, I got some great parking thanks to my Dodge truck. The other people had to park in the back lot with their silly little imports.

As soon as I saw the car, I started humping my screen uncontrollably. Now I've got a bunch of pinholes to patch, and the screen is leaking more than just liquid crystal. Thanks.

So I don't have to wrap my Captivate in a rubber band to fix it?

I gotta see Red Dawn. It was literally filmed right below my office window. The gunfire made for some interesting client conference calls.