
@staySICK: I've just replaced the default homescreen/dock with LauncherPro, and have been spending time learning how to use it. This is my first Android device, so I'm still adjusting from years suffering as an iPhone user. I'm thinking of spending some time tonight with the GPS fixes I've been seeing, and making a

@Rick Lyon: In my experience, most Microsoft people use it since it's familiar and comfortable. Most Mac people go on blind and unwavering faith that Mac is the best. Ballmer barks, and the users do nothing. Jobs barks, and everyone changes direction. Different flocks, perhaps?


He just likes the auto trannys because he got sick of the manual shifters smelling funny after he finishes a "test drive".

@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: Hopefully it won't be that bad, but for now I'm actually very happy with it as is. I loaded LauncherPro to make it feel less "iPhone-y", and the rest of the pre-load stuff has been pretty nice. I've yet to find anything I can't do with it, or wish I could, but am restricted

That thing got a Hemi?

Install ROM receive mods AND bacon?! I'm sold! Now I need to find a ROM or 40 for my Captivate!

Did anyone else hear him talking about his fancy custom-tailored sport bike, and assume that it looks like a pocket bike?

Boba Fett. Not Bobba Fett. For spelling his name wrong, you get to learn first-hand that those aren't wookie pelts on his shoulder, they are scraggly hipster douche beards, and you are next.

@MayorBloomberg: It doesn't. My view is based on past AT&T offerings. It just means that from my personal experiences, I'm more willing to trust a Samsung phone than a Motorola or Apple phone to last at least the life of my phone contract. To me, they have proven they can build a solid product, if past products are

I've heard that lead is the new lithium when it comes to treating crazy in mustache wearing, work van driving nut jobs.

@MayorBloomberg: I dunno about that. The only brand of phone I've never had a problem with is Samsung. I've been through a couple Motorolas, and can't count the number of iPhones on one hand (might need to add in a foot soon as well).

Welcome! I'm not sure if anyone told you, but the new guy always buys all of us pizza.

@Mikestan: This is true. Lets sit back and see what Samsung does now that it is thinking with it's other brain.

@Mikestan: The thing is, no normal person I know of knows them as HTC or Motorola. They see the Droid Does commercials, and just assume they are all Droids. You can't fight against something like that, so why bother. No amount of marketing can overpower the market saturation of that name. Instead, they are depending

@Mikestan: I think they grew more than a pair.

@Patrick O'Neill: I'll trade you your Galaxy for a lovingly cared for iPhone 3g. With how crappy that Galaxy is, I'm doing you a favor by letting you upgrade to the awesome that is an iPhone. Sound like a deal?

RE: Napier Railton. It's easy to be fast when your wheels don't even touch the ground!