
Thank you for this.


Little Tommy Williams was truly through-the-roof with excitement when he burst into the toy store for his favorite player’s toy spree. The diminutive boy sprinted down the aisles in search of the best super soaker water gun that a decent amount of money could buy. “Mommy,” he cried, “is the Texans player really

"The US gets waxed in Brazil"

you dug deep. Respect. +1

Do you think Bob Diaco is gone next year?

Brian, any chance you could hook up a current ND student with a ticket to the title game? I'll write your columns for you, don't worry.

Do you feel that the "early whistle" complaints of the goal line stand from the Stanford game are overblown? Obviously the Pitt field goal was luck, but even if Stanford scored, the game is going to OT

Nate, do you think we'll ever see a team from another major sport go full-Moneyball and adopt a team strategy based almost entirely on new-age statistics?

In subsequent interviews, Mr. Acaba attempted to explain to rapper Big Boi that fecal matter is not odorous in space. Mr. Boi was not impressed

The SAT and ACT applaud you. +1



MWP: "As you can see, there's light fog off the coast of New Brunswick, and in Ontario we have heavy showers that extend from Toronto all the way down to Tennessee...Tennessee showers? They have Tennessee showers? Where's the Tennessee? Give me all the Tennessee!"

"Oh, then there's Aunt Donna, THE DYKE. Who hangs around with a bunch of GAY PEOPLE."


he says charges between $400 and $4,000 an hour, depending on the woman.

Jimmy the Greek made his name doing this in the Pacific Rim in WWII

The De-Carted

The Wedding Swinger